Event Archives


Thursday, October 17, 2019
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael CA
Open Secret · Brewing Underworld Magic

Brewing Underworld Magic


I will be at Open Secret
in San Rafael, California

Thursday, October 17th · 7:00 pm

with Amikaeyla Gaston

on our
“We have all been close to Death Re-Woofing Tour”


$25 advance, $30 Day of and Door

reservations recommended
(415) 457-4191

Open Secret · 923 C Street, San Rafael, CA 94901

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - Thursday, October 17, 2019
This is a Virtual Event
Shift Network Summit

Here be a (free! at first!) gathering of 20+ teachers dedicated to personality craft: Caroline Casey, Russ Hudson, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jean Haner, Rev. Terri O’Fallon, Kim Barta, Darren Virassammy, Richard Rudd, Arden Reece, Jaiya Ma, Gretchen Rubin, Magick Altman, and more!…


May we all aspire to be self-responsible Citizen Tricksters!

Spiffed up, and deepened down, ready to cahoot in community for greater good.


Personality Typing Summit

October 15-17, 2019

(organized by the Shift Network)

RSVP at no charge here

Monday, September 23, 2019
This is a Virtual Event
Equinoctial Tele*Coyote Mega Cahoot

Sun enters Libra, dynamic climate action,

UAW strike…so much brewing with which to cahoot…

Trickster Training Council

opens its audio doors for all to join

in an honoring of this Equinox.

Carolingian talk, and to and fro afterwards.

September 23rd, 2019

9 pm edt



Join the Council 

(Replay available for download immediately after)


You will be asked to make a log-in for Trickster Training Council if you are new, or use your existing membership information if you have joined us in the past. (Please direct any queries to Eryn<@>Coyotenetworknews.com)


Friday, August 30, 2019 - Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD, Baltimore Maryland
NCGR 2019 ~ Liberating Ritual Magic

NCGR Conference 2019
All Roads Lead to Baltimore
August 30th, 2019 – September 3rd, 2019


Caroline will be presenting 

Liberating Ritual Magic, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination

Mercury, Sun, Mars, Venus in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus=Biomimicry:that humans may humbly cooperate with Nature’s guiding Genius (aka “Trickster)=Democratic Animism= to tease what we know into pertinence to protect as much life as possible. We shall be cultivating metaphoric agility whereby to Conjure Calliope out of the Cauldron of Calamity.

Sunday 4:15pm – 5:30pm



Learn More

Monday, February 4, 2019
This is a Virtual Event
Imbolc ° Trickster Training Council

Imbolc ° Trickster Training Council 

This evening’s Trickster Training was a special council with brilliant al-kemi maven Micah Nilsson to celebrate Imbolc / True Candlemas

at Mid-Winter, when all the exiled deities of liberating collaboration with Nature light their candles, and begin ascending up from the Underworld – and we with them…

Micah Nilsson proffered her deep knowledge of Brigid, Healing Herbs and emerging from Underworld… Dandelions held on high!


$13 / 90m Recording of Council & Chart + Themes 

Access now!

After payment you will be sent to Trickster Training to create a log in and access the recording, see more information at the bottom of this page.



Saturday, December 22, 2018
Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington DC
Winter Solstice 2018

Purchase the Talk $13

After payment you will be sent to Trickster Training to access the recording, see more information at the bottom of this page.

Trickster Tidings of Comfort and Joy

a celebration of the Winter Solstice

with astro*mytho*story*maven

Caroline Casey


and Tina Eck and Keith Carr of “Lilt”

proffering Irish music,

deep beauty and jaunty pluck….


Performed Live Saturday, December 22nd

5 pm Twilight (just after sunset,

the magic between world time in faery tales…)


at Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington, DC

Monday, November 5, 2018
This is a Virtual Event
Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon ° Alchemical Magic ° Trickster Training  

Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon ° Alchemical Magic  

Trickster Training Council 

 with guest Micah Nilsson (keeper of Pragmatic Mystic Alchemical Lore)

$13 Purchase the Recording 

After purchase, create a log-in, & access here: 11.05 Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon



An Alchemical Trickster Council to compost dread in Pluto’s Cauldron, and ladle out calm, sane dedicated influential liberating Woof! 

Friday, October 19, 2018
Bioneers Conference, San Rafael CA
Bioneers 2018: Democratic Animism Now!


Caroline at Bioneers 2018:

Democratic Animism Now!

Co-Operators are standing by!

Friday, October 19th @ 9pm · Marin Center 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, CA 


Purchase the Talk $13

After payment you will be sent to Trickster Training to access the recording, see more information.

Eager for back-stage wheel and deal – tonight! Let this Night be like 1,001 Nights, Alph Wayla la-Wayla, Middle Eastern South Western Pragmatic Mysticism, and Applied Divination…

The only way to go – for our rogue species – is to offer our humble, dedicated willingness to cooperate with Nature’s Guiding Genius (aka “Trickster,” uniquely skilled in witty triumph “against all odds.”) We are all in this dream together.

So, let us dedicate to being Artists of Atmosphere, Public Dreamers, in creative cahoots with what we love… Spiralling forth the irresistibly eloquent magnetizing unifying story… that Sane Reverent Common Sense assume cultural narrative lead!

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Open Secret, San Rafael CA
Open Secret ° Astro*Mytho*Politico Talk*Ritual

The Confluencing of All Allies at this Time of Dire Beauty,

astro*mytho*politico talk*ritual diagnosis of the horror, 


animating the desirable…

partnering with Nature’s evolutionary experimental genius (aka Liberating Trickster)



Conjuring the Wrathful Dakinis, the great mythic metabolizers of poison

part of the team of

Co-Operators are standing by!


Encouraging us all to cultivate our defiant, jaunty pluck!


Huehuecoyotl – Aztec (Codex Borgia)

October 18th 2018 · 7:30 pm 

$25 advance, $30 Day of and Door

Advance reservations recommended

Call Open Secret @ (415) 457-4191 


Monday, September 24, 2018
This is a Virtual Event
Harvest Full Moon Council


Post-Equinoctial ° Harvest Full Moon ~ Mega Tele*Coyote Council 

September 24th 2018 · 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern · 1.5 hr group council led by Caroline

Occasionally, Caroline throws open the doors to her Trickster Training Council, aka the Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School, (which convenes every Monday night 6 pm pt, 9 pm et) to all those dedicated to being agents of dynamic beauty in the world at this time of Dire Beauty… This is one of those times!


Access the Download:

$13 Register here for access


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