Event Archives


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 - Sunday, October 9, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Election Magic Council


Calling All Pragmatic Mystics!

to convene

in our

Election Magic Council,

whose Inaugurating Augury cauldron be bubbling ….


We have a grand team assembling, and are open to a few more applicants, if this council be in accord with your dedications…


*Still Accepting Applications until 10/5*


Updated Schedule & Timing, Council starts 10/11

Monday, September 19, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Autumnal Equinox 2022 Replay

Autumnal Equinox Council Replay


with Caroline Casey and Amikaeyla Gaston


Recorded live on Monday, September 19th at 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern

Audio Only


Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament

suggested $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!

(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun – $5, $14, $23, $32, $50, $122… $500!? Woof*Woof*Wanna*Play?!?)

*After completing the donation, you should be automatically re-directed to the replay page (may take a moment for the page to load). If this doesn’t happen, try to fill out this form again with 0.00, as you have already sent us replenishing monetary blessing (or not, autonomy welcome). An email should also reach you with a link to the event page (gmail users, we seem to be blocked currently – try a backup email if you have one). In the case that none of this is working as planned, email Eryn@coyotenetworknews.com with a request for a link to the replay page. Woof!


And as a free offering to all, please enjoy this recording of Caroline & Amikaeyla at Bioneers earlier this year:

Bioneers 2022 with Caroline W. Casey & Amikaeyla Gaston

Thursday, August 25, 2022 - Monday, August 29, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
ISAR 2022

Caroline will be presenting at this year’s ISAR Conference (International Society for Astrological Research). Located in Westminister, Colorado, the conference runs from August 25th until August 29th, 2022.

Monday, August 8, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Lammas Eve
“When we approach with reverence, great things decide to approach us. Our real life comes to the surface and its light awakens the concealed beauty in things. When we walk on the earth with reverence, beauty will decide to trust us. The rushed heart and arrogant mind lack the gentleness and patience to enter that embrace.”
― John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace

True enough Lammas Eve

Recorded live August 8th

with Caroline & Sean Padraig O’Donoghue


Access the Replay:

We enjoy fives, sacred to Venus, $5, $23, $32, $55…. autonomous decisions encouraged


Monday, June 20, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice audio feast,

of Myth, Magic & Music

They being the incarnational garb whereby Power enters the World.

Beloved Accomplice Deborah Felmeth (cross-pollinating cultural agent betwixt Syria and Vermont, and more…)

and I are brewing our proffering…

Monday, June 20th at 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern

Replay Available

Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament

suggested $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!

(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun –
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50, $122… $500!?


Friday, May 13, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Bioneers 2022 *Free* Talk


Free & Open to All*

Friday the 13th May 9 pm


Palace of Fine Arts

Bioneers Conference 2022

San Francisco, California


Calling all those Willing to be agents of Citizen Trickster

Wonder, & Revelation in Call & Response –

Partnering with Flora Fauna

to ladle altruistic ingenuity from the cauldron of horrific cruelty.

Animism – not a belief – just good manners!


This Friday the 13th let’s declare inquisition over! (war on life seemingly relentless, yet ) Safety lies in everyone coming out – as initiated animistic science wizards, pragmatic mystics. Ally ally in come free – all that’s been falsely estranged, as a mean trick of the Reality Police, dancing back into spicy accord. Everything a dance partner. Including the virus. We gather to avail ourselves of all of our skills, expanding our repertoire of responses so as to be in cahoots with Nature’s evolutionary trickster Genius. Astro*Mythology guiding meta*narrative and the music to call in what we need to make our dedications manifest.


See event on the Bioneer’s Conference website:

Calling All Willing Agents of Citizen Trickster


*Note: the rest of Bioneers does require a ticket, but Caroline’s talk is – as always with this long-running Friday night gig, astro*mytho invocation for yearly Bioneers Conference – free & open to all folks.

Monday, March 21, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Vernal Equinox Celebration

We all be surfing on this Full Moon Equinoctial Tide



Equinox Cahoot


with Caroline W. Casey, David Gallo & Amikaeyla Gaston

Recorded Monday, March 21st · 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern



Includes both the Audio & Video Recording

as well as more videos from David Gallo from the deep, deep sea

Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament

suggested $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!

(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun –
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50, $122… $500!?

  • After purchase you will see a confirmation message here, with a link to the Replay Page. You will also be emailed a link back to the replay page for future reference.
  • Write your desired payment amount in the box above. After clicking the button below, you will be sent over to PayPal to complete the transaction. (Credit/Debit Guest option is available without log-in.) If you would rather not use PayPal please do contact us at sales@coyotenetworknews.com Woof!

* * Important * * Please check your spam folder for email notifications * * Woof! * * 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021
This is a Virtual Event
Winter Solstice Celebration

Winter Solstice Astro*Mytho Zoom Cahoot 

Recorded live December 21st, 2021

with Caroline W Casey, Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue & Amikaeyla Gaston


Solstice invoking honoring conjuring

Celtic Santeria Bodhisattva Coyote


Replay available:

  • After purchase you will be sent to the Replay Page and an automatic email will be sent to you with a link to navigate back in the future.
  • Write your desired payment amount in the box above. Then, after clicking the button below, you will be sent over to PayPal to complete the transaction (Guest option is available without log-in). If you would rather not use PayPal please do contact us at sales@coyotenetworknews.com Woof!

Friday, September 24, 2021
This is a Virtual Event
Liberating Astrology Council

Liberating Astrology Council

Starting Friday, September 24th ° 5 pm pdt / 8 pm edt
a 5! week course on astrological chart interpretation…

Friday September 24th – Friday, October 22nd, 2021

Astrology is an exquisite language of our interior psyche,
separated by a thin membrane, we call identity
from the whole huge biological and cultural conversation.
(Tis how I convene personal readings)

Language Crafting
that our words, metaphors, stories
be in accord with our dedicated hearts.

With particular honoring of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto,
de-conditioning agents, the keepers of the Big Conversation,
that pours, in customized fashion, into our unique psyches.

Limited Enrollment ~
so we can introduce each chart to the choreography of now..
be a true Cahooting Council

Enroll by application

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
This is a Virtual Event
Autumnal Equinox 2021

Autumnal Equinox Council

Recorded September 22nd at 8pm eastern / 5pm pacific

Audio & Video Replay

Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament

usually $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!

(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun –
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50,- $122- $500 etc- hee-hee!)

  • After purchase you will be sent to the replay page, and a link back to the same page will be sent via email.
  • Write your desired payment amount in the box above. Then, after clicking the button below, you will be sent over to PayPal to complete the transaction (Guest option is available without log-in). If you would rather not use PayPal please do contact us at sales@coyotenetworknews.com Woof!

Middle Eastern-Celtic-Sufi Voudoun syncretism
plant lore, astro*mytho*guiding narrative,
poetry, song, rubab (5,000 year old instrument originating in Afghanistan)

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