Event Archives


Saturday, April 8, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
Global Peace Tribe Zoom


On Saturday Night, April 8th, Global Peace Tribe will celebrate and preview this year’s New Living Expo. Caroline will be zooming in towards the end of the program.

Register for the Spring Season of Zoom events with Global Peace Tribe


Thursday, April 6, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
Bioneers 2023


Thursday, April 6th, at 9:00pm 

in person!

Freight & Salvage
(2020 Addison St, Berkeley, CA)

Free and Open to the Public – Holy Moly!


Caroline Casey Presents

Majnoun! Trickster’s Guide to Necessary Miracles


whereby we convene the Renaissance Council to banish crack-pot tyranny to the Underworld, to learn knitting and weaving, as the gods sentenced Hercules when he was sundering the fabric of creation.

Pluto, just arrived in Communitarian Aquarius, guides us to constellate the Community of Reverent Ingenuity. Symbiotic Mutualism!


“Who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another? We at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest.” -Peter Kropotkin


Details on Bioneers Website


Monday, March 20, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
Vernal Equinox 2023 Replay

Dark o Moon

Vernal Equinox Magic cahoot



Recorded live: Monday March 20th, 2023

by donation

5’s are magic $23 encouraged, but whatever feels fun… 

by donation ~ 5's are magic, $23 encouraged, but whatever feels fun...

After payment, please wait for the re-direct

to send you to the Replay Page.

If the re-direct did not work or any other technical snafus arise, please contact eryn@coyotenetworknews.com


Tuesday, March 7, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
Liberating Astrology Council (Making the Gods Work for You)


High time for

Liberating Astrology!


honoring what be liberating in this language, and

liberating astrology from that which would tame it….



5 week Council Cahoot Course

guided by the Chapters in “Making the Gods Work for You”


Tuesdays: March 7th – April 4th

6 pm et/ 3 pm pt (video council) (& recorded)


That we all come alive, with all of our skills,

to be participatory agents of Liberating Woof,

at this Time of Dire Beauty…

Friday, February 3, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
Full Moon Imbolc 2023

Celtic Trickster Full Moon Mid-Winter Magic Conjuring for Reciprocal Blessing


Irish Hill of Tara on Imbolc, St Brigids Day

Replay Available


Audio & Video Recorded:

Friday, February 3rd, 2023 at 6:30 pm pacific / 9:30 pm eastern


Access replay by donation, up to intuitive whim!

(encouraged $23… or more! Help to keep your bards warm and safe this Winter)

(that contribution feel liberating, rather than impedimental…)

Windfalls of Wherewithal for all!


After payment processes, you will be automatically sent to the Replay Page – please do not close the payment window before the redirect happens.

Contact eryn@coyotenetworknews.com with questions, tech kerfuffles…



Wednesday, December 21, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Winter Solstice Magic Council Replay


The year of woofy women drawing to a close – the era of Woofy Women unfurling.

Winter Solstice Magic Replay


with 3 Woofy Women

Caroline W Casey
Astro*Mytho*Politico Guiding Story
Amikaeyla Gaston & Carolyn Brandy
Drumming & Calling in what we need to make it happen.

Recorded live via Zoom on December 21st, 2022 at 8pm eastern / 5pm pacific 


Replay (both Video & Audio)

Open to donation by generous intuitive whim

*After sending your contribution through Paypal, please keep the window open.

*Wait 15-30 seconds – you will be sent directly to the Event Page.

Please contact Eryn@coyotenetworknews.com if this process does not work or if you have questions. Woof!

Please use the email associated with your Paypal account. (Guest checkout also available.)
Up to generous intuitive whim! Dedicated to Venus, iterations of 5 always appreciated... $5, $14, $23, $32... $50, $500, $5000... Or other fun numbers, up to autonomous desire... $72 Quintile... Minimum requested contribution $5 to keep our little team woofing along backstage ~ thank you!

Still Point – Yosemite, Brer Ron Kauk

“Time is motion. Stillness is Eternity. “ The Solstice is their dance.

Let’s Step into the still point, be available to Mystery, call in our Woof for the adventure ahead…


Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - Friday, January 6, 2023
This is a Virtual Event
The Visionary Activist Show Collection

Available for Sale

25th Anniversary The Visionary Activist Show Radio Collection

(now updated & expanded)

Monday, December 5, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Georgia Run-Off Election Eve Council

Come lend imaginative woof to Raphael Warnock, as Black Gospel King Arthur, kinned with energetic mojo of High John the Conqueror, Trickster Redeemer Folk Hero of the South…

who “finds a way out of no-way, and hits a straight lick with a crooked stick.”

Agent of “against all odds – resounding Victory….

Department of necessary Miracles…

Let his/our Victory be resounding …

Write the headline:

“Warnock achieves resounding victory!”


We are once again opening Trickster Training Council –

to all who would like to join for this election magic council eve…


Miss Freedom atop the Georgia State Capitol


Georgia Election Eve Council


Monday, December 5th at 9pm eastern / 6pm pacific

joining our weekly Trickster Training Council

with Caroline W. Casey and Pat Ewing


Live Event (Audio Only – Phone or Web Broadcast)

& Replay Available directly after


*After payment, wait for the Event Page to load.

**If you do not receive an auto-email with the event page link from us within 5 minutes, please send an email to Sales@CoyoteNetworkNews.com. We will use this same automatic system to send a reminder on the day of. (Note: Gmail does not seem to be consistently receiving our emails right now, if you have an alternate email, please use that.)



Monday, November 7, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Election Eve · True Halloween Trickster Council

Election Eve · True-Halloween Council


Statue of Liberty with Crown of Roses, collage design by ally Rita Fielder

with Caroline Casey, astro*politico*mytho navigational narrative

and Election Magic colleague, Patricia Ewing,

and jaunty songs, whereby to diaspora with dynamic serenity, proffered by Deborah Felmeth


Recorded Live on Monday, November 7th, 2022 · 9 pm et / 6 pm pt

(exact mid-season-Gate of Power)


Audio Recording Available by Donation

5’s, 2’ or 3’s are fun… $23, $5… $5,000… up to intuitive whim



After contribution is complete, please wait ~15 seconds & let the next page load, it will guide you automatically to the Replay page

If you experience any difficulties with accessing the replay page, please email Eryn@coyotenetworknews.com 


Tuesday, October 4, 2022 - Sunday, October 9, 2022
This is a Virtual Event
Election Magic Council


Calling All Pragmatic Mystics!

to convene

in our

Election Magic Council,

whose Inaugurating Augury cauldron be bubbling ….


We have a grand team assembling, and are open to a few more applicants, if this council be in accord with your dedications…


*Still Accepting Applications until 10/5*


Updated Schedule & Timing, Council starts 10/11

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