Event | |||||
Monday, August 8, 2016 - Wednesday, August 31, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
For full message go hereCahooting with America(and World)’sCombo Psychotic Break / Renaissance
(take your pick)
The essence of Renaissance Conversational participation,the sine qua non of our Liberating Trickster dedication is:
Critique and Blessingughh precedes aahh
So much guiding beauty, spice, and discernment, be available,as Venus emerges in the West in Virgo, woof-woofing to us.And for bonus points, the Moon’s adorable degree is“Men toiling in a dark pit – a woman calmly lowers a rope.”
For full message go here |
Monday, August 8, 2016 - Wednesday, August 31, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
Invitation to Join Ongoing Trickster Training Council .. with bonus week!
Read the full message HERE
Cahooting with America(and World)’sCombo Psychotic Break / Renaissance
(take your pick)
The essence of Renaissance Conversational participation,the sine qua non of our Liberating Trickster dedication is:
Critique and Blessingughh precedes aahh
So much guiding beauty, spice, and discernment, be available,as Venus emerges in the West in Virgo, woof-woofing to us.And for bonus points, the Moon’s adorable degree is“Men toiling in a dark pit – a woman calmly lowers a rope.”
“O yoo-hoo, lads, here’s a rope!”
(akin to “tossing keys to beautiful and rowdy prisoners…”)
May each critique be a creative opportunity for liberating guiding. |
Monday, July 18, 2016 - Thursday, July 28, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
Caroline will be covering both conventions (with Press passes! Coyote and Secret Service willing) as part of Pacifica’s team o correspondents)
Monday, June 20, 2016 Open Secret, San Rafael CA |
Caroline’s astro*politico*mytho magnetizing animationof the Guiding Meta-Story of Now!
Summer Solstice Full MoonDreaming The World Into Being – Full on Magic Time!
with Yemaya Inaugurating Flora-Fauna
calling in Big Momma –guiding us to be guides through the wild ride of now…
with long-time ally Amikaeyla Gaston, calling in the Orishas of Woof(let’s cahoot with the Guiding Intelligence of Nature – so much smarter, bigger and wiser than us…) Monday, June 20th at 7 pm$20 Advance, $30 Door Open Secret Bookstore
Sunday, June 19, 2016 Craneway Pavillion, Richmond CA |
The KPFA Summer Crafts Fair showcases the brightest talents in contemporary art and craft, highlighting both experienced and emerging designers who produce one-of-a-kind, handmade and limited edition goods in a wide variety of media. These artisans and craftspeople combine new and traditional techniques with modern design aesthetics to produce appealingly fresh and innovative work. The artists love having the opportunity to personally present their work in the spacious, light filled, historic Craneway Pavilion; its waterfront location is dramatic and awe-inspiring, yet easily accessible for all. At the Fair, one will find outstanding crafts for adorning the body as well as the home and office. Additionally, the fair features a quilt exhibit and sale, a mobile audience-participation mural, and live music from noon to 5pm both days, along with a live broadcast from the Craneway, airing on KPFA 94.1FM from 9am to noon on Saturday, and 8am to noon on Sunday. Visitors can meet and converse with luminaries of the KPFA airwaves in the convivial KPFA Lounge. For more information: |
Saturday, June 11, 2016 Fairfax Women’s Club, Fairfax CA |
The Fairfax Festival is still going on today but Caroline is unable to attend and speak as scheduled. Encouraging all to attend the next Carolingian talkJune 20th at Open Secret Bookstore
Caroline Casey: Summer Solstice Full Moon –Dreaming The World Into Being – Full on MagicMonday June 20th at 7 pm $20 Advance / $30 Door reservations recommended http://www.opensecretbookstore.com/
—————————————————————————————————————- Saturday June 11, 2016 “Rousing Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity Rising from Rubble – Inaugurating our Guiding Story – astro*politico*mytho ritual theatre” – Caroline Casey with long-time ally Amikaeyla Gaston, calling in the Orishas of Woof! http://www.fairfaxfestival.com/ecofest/artist-spotlight/ Tickets $20.00 at the door. |
Sunday, May 1, 2016 - Sunday, May 8, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
Free Online Gathering Let’s connect with women whose gift is to guide us to our gifts… May our inner and outer match…”Here’s me – here’s the structure of my life- do they match? does the outer form support our inward contibution.” Let’s wake up each morning, feeling deeply “yes- they match! Enthusiasm for the day ahead? Nothing can stop us now!” That our language, metaphor, story be in accord with our dedicated hearts. If our inner wise animal daemon responds with “Yip-Yip!” then here we go: invitation for you! (and all the women in your life, “women who eat like the wolves – and the men who love them!”) Join me, along with other awe-inspiring, trail-blazing women, for Inspiring Women with Soul — where we’ll be sharing the essential keys for living a full-on replenished and replenishing life, fueled by passion and purpose! |
Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Wednesday, November 9, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
Hail Trickster pass! Caroline Convenes the Trickster Training Mystery School, in cahoots with the Shift Networkbegins Wednesday April 13th- November 9th (the day after U.S. elections-woo-hoo!) The course, aka Caravan of Dreams, has set forth..we’re one week in…but if anyone has a fast camel they can catch up, and enroll over the next week…Bedouin Greeting, “Halloo, change your direction, and come this way!” Situation so dire – we can’t afford the luxury of realismThe Miraculous Impossible is the only way to go.”Agains all odds” are the odds that Trickster likes. |
Saturday, March 26, 2016 This is a Virtual Event |
Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic:Becoming an Agent for Liberation
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Open Secret, San Rafael CA |
Caroline Casey returns at last! to animate: Vernal Lunar Eclipse astro*politico*mytho*rousing* rollicking guiding meta-story