Event Archives


Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Busboys and Poets at 5th & K, Washington DC
Astro*Mytho*Politico*Mystery Theatre

Celebration of the Winter Solstice

girl with giant mushroom

Recording Available here:
[add_to_cart item=”DLWS2016″ text=”Yes, I want to purchase this recording! Yip Yip!” ]

Recorded December 20th 2016 

at Busboys and Poets

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Open Secret, San Rafael CA
Post Cataclysmic Election Town Hall


Post Cataclysmic Election Town Hall

Tuesday, November 15th


Recording Now Available
for a mere $20:

[add_to_cart item=”DLOS20162″ showprice=”no” text=”Yes, I want this recording!” ]



The race is on, that dynamic beauty and sane reverence

may supplant the dominance of dunder-headed-despotic dementors of doom,

and that adorable and ingenious life may bloom in profusion once again

on the other side of this bottle-neck towards which we are all racing…..


Animating the Astro*Mytho*Politico*

*Navigational*Guiding Story for Now-

through November, into the wild Winter Solstice



vintage planets

Monday, November 7, 2016
This is a Virtual Event
Election Eve Council with Daniel Giamario!

Special Event Tonight!



Election Eve Council

 with Caroline Casey


and astro*mytho ally Daniel Giamario!



Convening Tonight!

Election Eve Council

November 7th

6 pm pst / 9 pm est

via phone, skype or web

and recorded for later listening


 (once purchased, login and access here)


Delineation of the astro*mytho opportunities
being so generously proffered to us, at this
Time of Dire Beauty..

Election charts, Inauguration chart,
Venus and Mars cycles… Historic resonances
(distinction between 30’s Germany and America);
This quirky Month 0f Neptune stationing:
Reality emerges from delusion… calling all
helpful ancestors, wizards, witches, social
alchemists, fellow aspiring agents of the
Trickster Redeemer… All are welcome
(to magnetize, animate and spiral forth
the most desirable stories)!

universal spirit of nature


Caroline and Daniel continuing the discussion

and delving deeper from Thursday’s Radio Show:

(11/3/2016) In our Halloween pre-scariest election ever show,

Caroline welcomes fellow astro*mytho*cultural change

ally, Daniel Giamario, (waking up pre-dawn in Philippines,

may Trickster make it so!) that we may inaugurate the guiding

story of  humans re-joining the Choreography of Creation…

pouring over the charts of candidates, election, inauguration

for any glimmer of guiding sanity…And our magical responsibility

to dissipate the dementors of doom….

More about Daniel Giamario: http://shamanicastrology.com/

Listen to the Radio Show here:   20161103-Thu1400



“Sane Reverence Prevailing”

“Earth Has Chance”

may it be Mythic News Headlines November 9th…

Composting all corruption

and turning it into nutrient for a

culture of reverent renaissance!

unicorn get in the van



Caroline’s Trickster Training Council
convenes every Monday night –
and Monday, November 7th,
cuckoo Election Eve, we welcome you!

The More the Merrier the Mojo and the Magic,
you can sign up for just this night.. 

or you can enroll for 3 months for $200
(and if you sign up now – we’ll toss in an extra week!)

Welcoming all who aspire to be ever more
effective players on the Team of Creation!

orphic egg

Where’er we all be this night –
let us all telepathically cahoot, engaging all
our magic (a willingness to cooperate with everything),
to align with the great defiant ingenious goodness arising,
against all odds….

Standing Rock, literally and metaphorically,
proclaims humans partnering with Nature,
re-wedding activism with animism….

All of us, protectors, be Inaugurating
an irresistible Guiding Story….




Purchase your access to the

Election Eve Council Tele*Coyote


Monday, November 7th 2016

6pm PT / 9pm ET



(once purchased, login and access here)


Friday, October 21, 2016
Marin Center, San Rafael CA
Electing Flora Fauna! (2016 Bioneers Conference)

Bioneers 2016


Caroline W. Casey presents


Electing Flora Fauna 2016:


The Only News to Trust is the Mythic News


Friday · October 21st · 9:10pm


Exhibit Hall at the Marin Civic Center

10 Ave of the Flags

San Rafael, CA


Included in Registration for Bioneers

Otherwise $20 at the door


Animating the Astro*Mytho*Politico

Guiding Strategic Meta-Story


Caroline W. Casey will unleash

her astro-mytho-politico storytelling.

This time we’ll take a wild journey into

the trickster as the keeper of democracy,

electing Flora Fauna, and Voting for Reality.



purple border leaves

Friday, October 21, 2016
Bioneers Conference, San Rafael CA
Bioneers - Flora Fauna 2016

Recording Now Available for Caroline at the Bioneers Conference presenting “Flora Flora 2016”

[add_to_cart item=”BIO2016MP3″ text=”Yes, I want this recording!”]


Thursday, October 20, 2016
Open Secret, San Rafael CA
Pre-Election Halloween Town Hall at Open Secret



Pre-Election Halloween Town Hall


Recording Available!


 [add_to_cart item=”DLOS2016″ text=”Yes, I want this recording!” ]


CWC OpenSecret 10.2016

Recorded Live Thursday, October 20th

at Open Secret  923 C Street, San Rafael, CA


Providing the Astro*Mytho*Politico

Guiding Meta Narrative for Now


[add_to_cart item=”DLOS2016″ text=”Yes, I want this recording!” ]

Thursday, October 20, 2016
Open Secret, San Rafael CA
Pre-Election Halloween Town Hall



Pre-Election Halloween Town Hall



Thursday · October 20th · 7:00 pm


Open Secret

923 C Street

San Rafael, CA

$20 Pre-register by Oct. 19 (Encouraged)

Or $25 day of/at the door

Call (415) 457-4191 for Reservations





Guiding Meta Narrative for Now

Saturday, September 24, 2016
Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington, D.C.
Equinox Lunar Eclipse Talk (9.24.16)

Beauty and Destruction
– Neck and Neck:
Betting on Beauty!

Flora Fauna 2016


Autumnal Equinox
Guiding Meta-Narrative
9.24.16 in DC!


with Coyote Network News’
(Mythological news service
for the Trickster Liberator within us all)

Caroline Casey


caroline at bookstore crop2

Host of The Visionary Activist Show

– 20 years of critique and solutionon Pacifica radio network.

Re-wedding activism with animism, back with Underworld scouting reports

from being Coyote Press at both conventions.

Rousing keynote speaker at convenings of sane reverent solutionaries

(Bioneers, Commonweal, Grand Canyon Trust…)


Hometown action with



Wondrous Collaborative Cahooter, Drummer: Katy Gaughn
to conjure the musical mojo to make the magic happen.



We be Magnetizing
Music and Metaphor into Matter!


· Saturday, September 24th · 7:00 pm · $20 ·

(cash or check)
Doors open 6:30 pm – Place will be hoppin’!

Institute for Spiritual Development
in adorable Palisades DC

5419 Sherier Place N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016


Now more than ever – at this time of Dire Beauty:

The world needs its Tricksters!

Dedicated to being agents of liberating blessing,

compassion with sizzle, allied with Nature’e evolutionary genius

– that loves against all odds.


Coyote, Raven, seeds that sprout after cataclysm,

jaunty detectives journeying to the Underworld to restore

human affairs to be in accord with the mandate of heaven and earth,

are all our colleagues with whom we are destined

to rendezvous this Autumnal Equinox.


Let’s harvest earned optimism

at this Time of Dire Beauty…


“Be jaunty, even though fully informed,”

sayeth Wendell Berry.


So much incentive (ack) and opportunity

being proffered to us that Sane Reverence

may assume Cultural Narrative Lead.




Inaugurating a guiding story strategy for Autumn

– woo-hoo, more fun to navigate

this cuckoo maelstrom with others…


Myriad forms of cahooting:

No time to face this election alone


come join Trickster Training Council

where we experimentally convene that our language,

metaphor and story be in accord with our dedicated hearts.

We transcend doom and gloom (“no future in nihilism”) with jaunty aplomb.


As David Grimes quips,

“If we’re not having fun – we’re just not serious enough!”



Saturday, September 24, 2016
Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington DC
​​​​​​​Autumnal Equinox 2016 - Beauty and Destruction - Neck and Neck: Betting on Beauty!

Autumnal Equinox Recording

Now Available!



 [add_to_cart item=”DL2016AE” quantity=”user:1″ text=”Yes, I want this recording!” ]


Saturday, August 27, 2016 - Sunday, August 28, 2016
Camp Ramblewood, Darlington MD
Lovelight Yoga + Arts Festival


Not to be missed:

Fantastic embodied erudition Eric Serejski presenting yoga and Taoism at 9 am on Sunday.

Caroline will be convening Trickster Training Council 1 pm – 2 pm Saturday
and a smidge o MC-ing,

and presenting astro*mytho*politico 8:15 pm Saturday night before Krishna Das.


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