Event Archives


Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington DC
Democratic Animism Now! calling in a New Tide of Cultural Energy

Summer Solstice Setting Sail for Synchronous Serendip:

Isis, Isis- Ra! Ra! Ra!

Recording Available Now:
[add_to_cart item=”DL2014SS”]

‘Tis curious that the acronym ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
be now everywhere in the news.

All news be Mythic News.

Home-town action

Summer Solstice astro*mytho*politico*talk*ritual*

Caroline Casey LILT-Keith-Carr-Tina-Eck-copyright-Michael-G.-Stewart068
with fantabulous Irish Musicians: Lilt

Democratic Animism Now! calling in a New Tide of Cultural Energy

that we may be agents of cool response in a hot reactive world, effective voices for what we love, willing collaborators with the guiding genius of Nature, and encouraging all to do like-wise…


“Deliberate celebration of the change of seasons stirs the creative powers of the psyche.” (Nor Hall)

Saturday, May 24, 2014
San Antonio Recreation Area, Bradley CA
Pragmatic Mysticism & Compasionate Trickster Training

At the Lightning in a Bottle mega-festival I’ll present Trickster Medicine Saturday May 24th 4:15 pm-5:45 pm on the Temple Main stage, at the exact moment of the Saturn Jupiter trine 4:48 pm pdt, when inner dedication magnetizes outward opportunity!

lightening in a bottle-tents

Buy Festival Tickets

Sunday, April 27, 2014
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo CA
Phoenix Song: the Art of Directing Collective Attention (Lecture)


Grand Square in Cardinal Signs, encourages us to get smarter personally and as a species.

Jupiter (story-telling Intelligence) and Pluto (Phoenix) aligning proffers opportunity to spiral effective blessing into the world. We also in cahoots with Mars in Libra, (all heroes have manners) and Uranus (a hero who “tosses keys to the beautiful and rowdy prisoners” Hafez) – to conjure, animate, and spiral forth the irresistible invitational guiding story.

More info


Expo Tickets

Saturday, April 26, 2014
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo CA
Dire Beauty Calling All Sacred Clowns! (Workshop)

astro*mytho*politico*democratic animism at pre-eclipse Dark of Moon, Grand square in Cardinal Signs = Coyote’s Choreography of Creation. Time to align with Nature’s Evolutionary Indigenuity, aka Trickster Intelligence, found in Raven, Crow, Coyote, seeds that sprout after cataclysm, the plucky part of us that loves “against all odds.” Opportunity abounds for our species to become more intelligent (or die, cake or death? – take your pick!). All of Nature awaits our willingness to cahoot. Co-Operators are standing by!


Recording Available Now:
[add_to_cart item=”DL2014NLE”]

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Sacred Stream Center, Berkeley California
Green Fire! Democratic Animism Now! (Berkeley)

Caroline W. Casey
(just returning from the Whales of San Ignacio Bay, filing scouting report, what they would like to convey to us at this time of Dire Beauty)

convening an evening of:

Green Fire! Democratic Animism Now!

Whale and Coyote’s Choreography of Creation

$20 in advance
$25 at the door
Click here to register
(Calendar page on https://www.sacredstream.org)

Thursday, March 20, 2014
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael CA
Green Fire! Democratic Animism Now! (Vernal Equinox at Open Secret Bookstore)

Whale and Coyote’s Choreography of Creation

We gathered on the Vernal Equinox, at the exact Moon-Saturn 23+ Scorpio conjunction:”Sermon on the Mount” to tease inspirational mojo into every molecule of our being.

Recording Available Now:
[add_to_cart item=”DL2014VE-MP3″]

Monday, March 10, 2014
Graffiti Cafe, Los Angeles California
LA Intrigue Gathering

late-assembling, glide into place, self-assembling evening:

whalesCaroline on her way to Baja Whales
Trickster Council:
The Return of Big Momma!
whereby to conjure, animate, magnetize, and spiral forth the guiding story
of conscious collaborative kinship.

astro*politico*guiding mythos to ride this Full Moon Tide

(after hours – no food or beverages available…attend not hungry)

by donation, toss $ in hat


Monday, December 23, 2013
This is a Virtual Event
Virtual Winter Solstice Strategy Cahooting for 2014

(Cat’s Christmas) 6 pm pt, 9 pm et- Trickster Training Council opens its virtual doors for our special tele*Coyote Council (via web, phone or Skype)


Only $20:

Friday, December 20, 2013
The Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington DC
Winter Solstice Eve - 2013

Caroline Casey - Winter Solstice Eve - 2013

Caroline returned to convene Home town DC mojo action, incorporating Winter Solstice Eve with Traditional Irish Musicians, Lilt.

Therefore profoundly poignant and pertinent that this Saturnalia is synchronous with Nelson Mandela being honored as an embodied positive Saturn, High John, Obatala.

Madiba, like High John, made friends with his brutal guards in prison to let himself know he could do that outside. Long-term vision. Three day chess player. Saw himself free. In a telepathic call and response with collective culture that could not be constrained by tyranny.

Recording for this event is now available:
[add_to_cart item=”DL2013WS-3″]

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Earth Rise Retreat Center, Petaluma CA
Trickster Bounds onto the World Stage:Re-trieving Redemptive Reverent Renaissance Rising from the Rubble.

December 17th at 7pm
Earth Rise Retreat Center IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences)

Recording Available Here

[add_to_cart item=”DL2013WS-1″]

Trickster Bounds onto the World Stage: Re-trieving Redemptive Reverent Renaissance Rising from the Rubble.

Uranus stationing direct this day – providing forward momentum, serendipitous synchronicity abounds for those with dedicated hearts. Internal dedication (more potent in a gathering) magnetizes outward opportunity.

A mythological unfurling of Compassionate Trickster choreography strategy for 2014…

101 San Antonio Rd
Petaluma, CA 94952
Noetic.org/earthrise for directions/map

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