Event Archives


Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monroe Hall, Santa Rosa CA
Unfurling the Summer Solstice Sail - Summer Solstice Talk 2011

with musical accompaniment by Amikaeyla Gaston
Recording Available

Sunday, May 29, 2011 - Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Camp Kieve, Nobleboro Maine
Robert Bly's Great Mother Conference - 2011

Recordings Available

Sunday, March 20, 2011
This is a Virtual Event
Trickster Takes the Cultural Lead! - Vernal Equinox Talk 2011

Magnetizing the Desirable Story!
Come in to Balance, as all life hangs in the balance

Astro*Politico*Mythic News: Vernal Equinox Talk*Conjuring


Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Busboys and Poets at 5th & K, Washington DC
Inviting the Light of the Trickster Redeemer - Winter Solstice 2010

*Inviting the Light of the Trickster Redeemer 

to *Magnetize the Desirable Story – and send it *Spiraling Forth into
the Darkening World

with Lida Saeedian, exquisite Persian voice for inviting powerful beauty into the world.

Friday, September 24, 2010
Private Venue, Washington DC
Trickster Redeemer Rising - Autumnal Equinox Talk 2010

Trickster Redeemer Rising
within us all
breaking the spells of the Reality Police for all beings!
(w/Violin by Julia Casey/Drums by Steve Bloom)

Monday, June 21, 2010
Toby’s Feed Barn, Point Reyes Station CA
Setting Sail with Yemaya - Summer Solstice 2010

Compassionate Trickster strategy for Summer Solstice 2010
the guiding astrological*political *meta-story for now

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael CA
Co-Operators are Standing By! Vernal Equinox 2010

astro*politico*mythic*EQUINOX meta-story and Cultural Medicine Strategy for Spring 2010