Event Archives


Thursday, October 18, 2012
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael CA
A Evening with Caroline Casey - Electing the Earth

Caroline W. Casey: Coyote Network News Campaign Coverage,
combo Council
Inaugurating the Desirable Story
in Cahoots with Kairos  – when the conjured desirable world can be invited to suffuse the compellingly grim, rude story of now, aspiring to embody Pragmatic Mysticism dedicated to Democratic Animism.
Co-operators Are Standing By!
$20 Advance, $25 Door

Call 415- 457- 4191 for tickets




Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael CA
Chi Gung Politics... Let's set the agenda and see it now.

Watch the Presidential Debates with Caroline, aspiring a’ la Mystery Science Theatre, to provide Coyote Network News Mythological Commentary and participatory telepathic juju during and after the debate: “Town Meeting, Domestic and Foreign Policy” With Caroline Casey, $20 Advance, $25 Door

Really our team wants to keep satire and spicy revelatory insight but forsake predictable, tedious, chi-sucking addiction to muggle finger-wagging. We are composting reactive snark into exhortational vision. Vocal Encouraging of the Good, Invitational, Magnetizing all-inclusive Guiding Cultural Meta-Narrative….let’s go!
Pedantic muggledom addiction to nhagn-nyah has been so strong (presume, o fellow befoibled dingbats, that really, here everyone knows what you know. Just on the table, drones, drilling, NDAA etc. bad, terrible.OK, we gotta suck the chi out of that. But this tedious default setting of righteous passivity is toxic. And actually my Dad worked for and with FDR, just as befoibled as Barack…(and wow is that a talking point of obedient indoctrination.)This is how it is… Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything – let’s do that. (Jeez to beans)…

Tuesday October 16, 6:00 to 7:30 +

$20 Advance, $25 Door


415- 457- 4191


Sunday, October 14, 2012
Wedgewood Banquet Hall, Fresno CA
Fresno Free College Foundation/KFCF Annual Banquet

Fresno Free College Foundation/KFCF Annual BanquetThe KFCF/Fresno Free College Foundation Annual Banquet will be taking place on Sunday, October 14th from 5 PM to 10 PM with guest speak Caroline Casey, the Visionary Activist.

We’ll also be featuring a buffet with a vegetarian option.

A no host bar, music by Jewell Riversmith, the FFCF Free Speech Awards, a silent auction, a raffle and a chance to meet fellow KFCF listeners, FFCF Board members and some KFCF programmers will round out the evening.

Tickets at the door will be $50 each and are limited in quantity and may sell out!

Please order tickets by October 4th, as we must give the caterer a head count by that date.

To order tickets online, go to visionaryactivist.brownpapertickets.com.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 - Sunday, September 30, 2012
Moab, Utah, Moab Utah
Women's Congress For Future Generations

A Women’s Congress for Future Generations will gather in Moab, Utah September 27th-30th, 2012, to celebrate and express our gratitude for the Earth’s wondrous bounty, and to fulfill the special responsibility that women hold as the first environment for future generations.

Saturday, September 22, 2012
Historic Star Hall, Moab UT
Autumnal Equinox 2012 - Caroline Casey in Moab
Inauguration Augury: Autumnal Equinox 2012

Inauguration Augury: Electing the Earth astrological*political*lecture*ritual*theatre on the Autumnal Equinox with Coyote Network News; Fundraiser for A Women’s Congress for Future Generations.

Recording Now Available for Purchase.

Saturday, June 2, 2012 - Sunday, June 10, 2012
Camp Kieve, Nobleboro Maine
Great Mother Conference
Robert Bly's 38th annual Conference on the Great Mother and New Father (2012)

3 Recordings Available

Monday, March 26, 2012
This is a Virtual Event
The Earth-Sky Story is Truer Than Reality - Vernal Equinox Talk 2012

Carolingian Virtual Vernal equinoctial exalted Moon Strategy Story
Animating the guiding earth wisdom meta-story, and spiraling it forth into the memosphere.

Recorded March 26th, 2012 as a webcast


Thursday, December 22, 2011
Busboys and Poets at 5th & K, Washington DC
Revelation Revelry: Winter Solstice 2011

Revelation Revelry: Tossing Tyranny, Composting Colonialism into nutrient for the Culture of Reverent Ingenuity!

A Celebration of the Winter Solstice

Recording Available

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Marin Center, San Rafael CA
Bioneers 2011
Convening the Medicine Council of Trickster Redeemer Ancestors

to conjure, animate and spiral forth into the memosphere the most invitationally all inclusive, desirable, guiding story of democratic animism.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
This is a Virtual Event
Caroline’s Equinoctial High Tea Talk - 9.25.11

delivered at the Network of Light, Washington D.C. 9.25.11

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