The Visionary Activist Radio Show

Caroline’s Visionary Activist Radio Show is a constantly evolving experiment in Radio Magic.

The show provides the Mythological News, the Themes of Now, and has as guests anyone with a piece of the puzzle for Dreaming, Conjuring and Implementing a more lovingly ingenious world.

Listen Live to the Visionary Activist Show!

Thursdays at 2:00 pm pacific / 5:00 pm eastern

Ammon Ra – Board Op

Tune in on the web or Pacifica Radio Station KPFA (94.1 FM) in the San Francisco Bay area.

In Southern California, you may hear a late night rebroadcast of The Visionary Activist Show on Roy of Hollywood’s Something’s Happening show on KPFK (90.7), Fridays at 3:00 am.

*Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly gifts in return!

$4/month ~ Weekly Astrological Chart & Guiding Themes from Caroline related to our radio broadcast and the memes of now. 

Intro and Outro Music: Amikaeyla Gaston (vocals) & Jaqui MacMillan (drums)

Midpoint break music: Betty Ball’s blues by Taj Mahal (on album ‘Conjure’)

Enjoy the archives anytime ~ See list of guests by date

Most recent broadcasts:

July 13, 2017

Caroline hosts Terry Tempest Williams

July 6, 2017

Esoteric America!

June 29, 2017

High John Eve in Bolinas

June 22, 2017

At Dark of Solstice Moon, Entheogenic Renaissance!