Bodhisattva Coyote presents Sufi Aikido Celtic Voodoo Radio, on Mid-Summers Night Eve... Solo Show Ah Neptune - was ghosted by scheduled guest ally (inadvertently. He thought next day.) And 10,000 blessings waft around him, & his quintessential message. So, gods wanted improv Solstice Show, & by Jimminy, … [Read more...]
Caroline's Solo Shows
Defiant Joy through Music
Defiant Joy as antidote to churlish cruelty… Honoring July 4th on July 5th… with heartening contributions from Paul Robeson, Frantzich Brothers, Bab Aziz, and Hamid El Shari. Considering Music as an entheogen, opening up passageways, whereby we may participate in spiraling blessing into the Memosphere. Caroline weaves words in and out of … [Read more...]
Vernal Equinox Cultural Hijinks
In this pre-recorded segment Caroline weaves the Mythic News of Now, inviting us to convene our inner democracy (“whatever we do for ourselves, grants us the spiritual muscle tone to do that in the world”) at this time of Vernal Equinox Cultural Hijinks – to ‘dree our weird,’ to ‘play our role in destiny.’ Caroline is en route to NORWAC … [Read more...]
Earth-Sky Story of Now
Caroline takes it solo - animating the desirable possibilities being so generously proffered to us, through the earth-sky story, at this Time of Dire Beauty - Fund Drive, co-riffing with the latter portion of her banquet speech at the NCGR conference in Baltimore. Listen here: 20170302-Thu1400 … [Read more...]
We’re All in this Dream Together Radio
Caroline syncretizes heartening music, astro*mytho*guiding story, (and considering true satire, a liberating art, distinct from caricature, irony distinct from sarcasm) and redeeming the kerfuffled missing 24 minutes from last week's show, that we may cahoot with Venus to initiate hyper-yang death-frenzy Mars, and all together dream a desirable … [Read more...]