Caroline's Solo Shows

Luminous Pragmatism

"Luminous Pragmatism" Let our Blessing Dreams Spiral Forth to guide us all through the Danger Fund Drive - honoring Rafeet Alareer and Harriet Tubman, that we may invite the best in them to live through us, guide us, at this harrowing time. Rafeet’s book "If I Must Die” published posthumously Dec 10th - is one of our pledge enticements…. As … [Read more...]

Available and Willing

  Let us be available to Mystery and Willing to Participate ! “Let the story fires be lighted, and our circle be strong and full of Medicine!” (Robbie Robertson)   We convene Fund Drive Council with the Council of Grandmothers convenes, Moon in Capricorn…., on vessels we are crafting…And whom shall we see on that craft, … [Read more...]

Riveting Radio ~ Storytellers Continued

  Riveting Radio, on-going celebration of the Visionary Activist Show - 25 years on the air, rummaging in the archives, we have conjured potent radio collection #2, as incentive to pledge, of which we will be weaving clips from Tim Reiterman on Jonestown (lessons of which highly pertinent to our present conundrum) and with Diane Wilson and … [Read more...]

The World Belongs to the Story-Tellers

  Magnetizing, Animating and Spiraling Forth the astro*mytho*politico guiding Story of Now whereby to ride this Full Moon Tide. Caroline honors the quintessential Trickster story-teller Scheherezade, who, as Venusian hero liberates the entire circumstance. The Tale of the Princess Perizada; We close with the powerful, poignant, … [Read more...]

Inaugurating Flora Fauna

On this anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, Mercury emerges from its retrograde shadow, with back up, that we proclaim: “that government of the people, by the people, for the people – shall not perish from the Earth.”  And adapt: “That Government of Flora Fauna, by Flora Fauna, for Flora Fauna, shall not perish from the Earth!”   Caroline … [Read more...]