Winter Solstice Tele*Coyote 12.17.12

17 Dec 2012

Join live: 9 pm Eastern Time, 6pm Pacific Time

(Moon Neptune Conjunction in Pisces, excellent for spiraling blessings of Sane Reverence into Group Mind!)

Caroline W. Casey presents
(via the miracle of literalized telepathy, aka phone & web)

Birth of the Trickster Redeemer Within Us All: Reverent Renaissance Rising from Rubble


We join with all of Creation in rooting for Our Species Have Manners Again!
Composting Hubris into Humus!
Tossing all faux real Hoopla (presumption, polarity, “importance”, status, “specialness” ) into the Cauldron, from which Trickster Redeemer, within us all, ladles spirals of sane reverence and sets them wafting into the memosphere…

Before setting forth for Chichen Itza, Caroline enthused to gather
that we may all Journey into Dark Places with a Jaunty Heart.

Tele*conference, by phone or by web… All are invited to cahoot this night with Caroline’s regular Monday Trickster Training Council:
Caroline will give her 1 hour-ish Coyote Network News Solstice talk: Astro*Politico*Mytho*meta-guiding narrative for Winter,
with rousing call and response at finale, as we toss the old year into the Cauldron of Re-birth, extinguishing the Old Fire, Lighting the New Light.

after which listeners may chime in with query, blessing…

Download Recording:

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  1. Query: In the new year 2013, how to tune into and align with my highest soul purpose and to manifest greater creativity, abundance, fulfillment, and connection with others? My website is under development, in the “seed” state, but also to include it in this delightful Winter Solstice Telecoyote Circle.

    Is it “telecoyote” or “Tell a Coyote”? 🙂

    San Francisco, CA

  2. Catherine Taylor says

    hi! I purchased the winter solstice telecast 12/17/12….I wasn’t able to listen to it at that time……and then I accidentally deleted the download:(……I am wondering if I am way too late to see if you have a record of my purchase and if you’d be willing to resend me the recording….! I would really like to listen to it! I understand if this is way too late and you can’t do it.

    thanks so much for your time!

Query or Blessing:
