Women’s Congress For Future Generations

27 Sep 2012 until 30 Sep 2012

Moab, Utah
future generation lane
Moab, Utah

A Women’s Congress for Future Generations will gather in Moab, Utah September 27th-30th, 2012, to celebrate and express our gratitude for the Earth’s wondrous bounty, and to fulfill the special responsibility that women hold as the first environment for future generations.

At the Moab Congress, we will map possibilities and pathways toward achieving whole health and justice in this generation and for all generations to come. Inspired by our environmental foremothers, our hope is to craft a dynamic articulation of the pressing rights future generations have to a livable world and the responsibilities of present generations to uphold those rights. Our labors will yield a living affirmation of these rights and responsibilities in word, art, music, and story.

To register or for more information: wcffg.org.

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