Democratic Animism Now!

For today’s radio, playing a portion of Caroline’s recent presentation at Bioneers 2018: Democratic Animism Now! Co-Operators are standing by! (Recorded Friday, October 19th at the quite lively Marin Center, San Rafael, CA.)

The only way to go – for our rogue species – is to offer our humble, dedicated willingness to cooperate with Nature’s Guiding Genius (aka “Trickster,” uniquely skilled in witty triumph “against all odds.”) We are all in this dream together. So, let us dedicate to being Artists of Atmosphere, Public Dreamers, in creative cahoots with what we love… Spiralling forth the irresistibly eloquent magnetizing unifying story… that Sane Reverent Common Sense assume cultural narrative lead!

(Full Talk Available for Purchase on

And re-membering that Thanksgiving is not merely a colonial Hallmark Card – but tis astrologically timed. Tis always the 1st Thursday (sacred to Jupiter – Thors Day), after the Sun enters Sagittarius (Jupiter’s sign). And the Turkey is the Indigenous symbol of generosity and gratitude… The Sun enters Sagittarius this Thursday at 4:02 am est – so this is the earliest possible Thanksgiving. Also, for the first time in 12 years, Jupiter is in its own sign of Sagittarius… So we are especially encouraged to be grateful for the good beauty and kindness to be found in even the most dire of conflagrations… literal, symbolic, political…

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“Democratic Animism Now! (Radio)”

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