Virgo Full Moon Council

23 Feb 2024

Virgo Full Moon Council

to invoke Necessary Miracles

with Caroline W. Casey & Seán Padráig O’Donoghue

Friday, February 23rd · 8pm eastern / 5 pm pacific

Zoom · 90 minutes · Replay available after


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Dance in the Moonlight (Theodor Severin, 1857)

Let this be a Moon of  de-bamboozling from propaganda, and delusion, on which cults rely…

Dissolve, Reveal, Liberate….




And tis a Grand trine in Earth -Full Moon:
Our dedications are eager to be invited  into incarnational actuality…

Ceres Demeter -dwarf planet at 5+ Capricorn – “ten logs lie in front of an arch way leading to darker woods…the need to be ritually prepared…”

trine the Full Moon at 5+ Virgo – witches-wizards Moon of language craft, and calm weaving….

trine Jupiter at 10+ Taurus at the tending, “tweaking the house until it sings” degree….

Just to open imaginative portals of participatory possibility…

Hail Mary passes abounding…..available to those who proclaim their availability…





  1. Anita Sanchez says

    Thank you for introducing me to Max Dashu through your recent interview on KPFA. Im looking forward to the Virgo Full Moon Council.

    May we each fill our baskets with the medicine required for bringing forth healing light and love to heal the world and all the beings that dwell on the planet.

  2. sally grace says

    May we each continue expanding our repertoire of responses such that we are all liberated and liberating each other, sowing seeds for a new ground where all children can thrive.

Query or Blessing:
