Harvest Full Moon Council

24 Sep 2018

Post-Equinoctial ° Harvest Full Moon ~ Mega Tele*Coyote Council 

September 24th 2018 · 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern · 1.5 hr group council led by Caroline

Occasionally, Caroline throws open the doors to her Trickster Training Council, aka the Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School, (which convenes every Monday night 6 pm pt, 9 pm et) to all those dedicated to being agents of dynamic beauty in the world at this time of Dire Beauty… This is one of those times!


Access the Download:

$13 Register here for access

1. You will be directed to Paypal to make the purchase (guest checkout and credit/debit options available).

2. After completing the purchase with Paypal, you will be directed to create a login to Trickster Training Council.

(If you have never been part of Trickster Training Council, please make a new login for this event. If you have previously participated in Trickster Training Council, please use existing login information, and Contact Us if you need your log in information sent to you.)

3. Once you have made the purchase & created your login, you may access tonight’s event page.



*Trickster Training Council, while the Moon is waxing to full,

opens its doors wide (via phone and web audio),

that we may honor the generous magic being proffered to us by Flora Fauna…

to be voiced by the astro*mytho*politic narrative of now (via Caroline Casey)

(with time and opportunity at the end for people to chime in

with query, conundrum, blessing, if so moved)


and should your decide to join our on-going council,

allying with Citizen Trickster, to be effective social change agents…

twill be deducted from usual tuition of $200 for 3 months!

(cheaper than not enrolling! Step right up!)


Full Moon magic, that we may spiral into Group mind,

liberating tolerance and Nature’s guiding wisdom…



Query or Blessing:
