6 May 2024 until 20 May 2024
Bewildering guides us to
Be Wilder journey to Solstice Sovereignty
Beltaine to Solstice
Zoom Council Series with Caroline Casey & Seán Padráig O’Donoghue
$283 · Six Mondays · May 13th through June 17th
90ish minute live councils with replays, notes, & references
Registration still open!
Join the Council:
With Mythic Companions, Scheherezade, Green Man, Marie Laveau…Mad Sweeney, She Wolf, High John de Conquer, Bre’r Rabbit, Celtic Poet-Satirists (satyrists), and whomever each would like to invite…
Calling All Liberating Trickster Intelligence…
And let not money-ack be an impediment, to an enthused and dedicated heart, feel welcome to negotiate…
email with negotiations
Negotiating be a Community sacramental skill…
to cultivate
And spiral forth into the memosphere…
Let’s dedicate to having all our participatory skills –
Available !
Let’s proclaim our Availability
Hoist our sails of Willingness to be agents of Liberating Trickster
At this dangerous, tragic, opportune time…
Magic is simply a Willingness to Co-Operate with Everything..
Each week we delve in to the cuckoo “news” to suffuse with guiding Mythos…
That we may be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation,
via the Mutual Aid of Our Co-Created Council…
Here be what Sean wrote:
“Unless there’s wildness around you, something terrible happens to the wildness inside of you. And if the wildness inside of you dies. I think you’re finished — John MoriartyGenocide, climate change, burning forests, rising fascism, and the daily struggles to survive weigh on our hearts and our minds. We move through grief and fear and anger into exhaustion that leaves us in a fog, a daze.
And in that daze, we are bewildered . .
And bewilderment is exactly the right place to begin. For to be bewildered is to find ourselves outside received stories, outside other people’s plans and agendas, in a wild and unknown place. And it is in the presence of wild things that we remember our own true nature and our own possibilities. We can begin the conscious process of rewilding.
Join us as we work with the guidance of the plants, the animals, the fungi, the stars. our ancestors, our descendants, and each other on a journey from bewilderment to rewilding.
The Dawn of Everything by David Wenbrow and and David Graeber will be a guiding text for us, helping us see the wild diversity of past human ways of being so we can imagine new ways forward.
Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue
Poet — Herbalist
The Moon at 6+ Leo – “Constellations of the Night Sky glow blazingly in the desert-the vast unfolding Mystery of Creation….-
Quintiles Sun, Jupiter Uranus –
Proffering us irresistible eloquence on behalf of what we love…
The capacity to open portals between worlds…
In the nick of time as (The Sun and) Uranus, Trickster Genius are once again conjoining Israel’s Sun – 23+ Taurus…as they were last Fall…
Let’s consider the possibility….
Neptune, at the last degree of the zodiac – says all the imaginative skills that ever were or will be are here now….
Following the path back to the realm of participatory animism that hums in our mythic bones…
Source of the Jordan River begins in a cave sacred to Pan….
The predominant Divinatory Intelligence in pre-orthodox Middle East was She-Wolf
(Radio interview with Gunelli Guun, mythic scholar, author of “On the Road to Baghdad”)
Let’s go back….togo forward…
“Your nearest exit may be behind you…”
Pluto in Aquarius at the “desert the military – follow path to wilderness” degree.
Everyone has a mission…known or unknown….
Pluto Dark humor…: Pluto is our only air planet, so tis Underworld, death-re-birth, awareness of danger
that gladdens our heart…
May all our relationships be strictly Plutonic…
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This council we shall have deep delving shared re-search, especially encouraging reading
“The Dawn Of Everything” by David Graeber and David Wengrow (profound history of Human community….They wrote it for us now…decisions to be made, betwixt hierarchical tyranny and egalitarian freedom…)
Each week, Sean & I will delineate a chapter from the book, woven with the guiding astro-animism of now….
We also encourage reading “The Voodoo roots of jazz and rock n roll” by Michael Ventura…
(link and cultural curriculum will be sent upon enrollment) …..
Art of Peace, Morihei Ueshiba
And we will have guests! – the likes of Eddy Nix, that we be informed of our ancestors experiments in egalitarian community…
Let’s bring all mentors to the Council, as we be “crafting the future by gazing at the Caravan of our past mentors…” (as Deborah Felmeth always reminds me, in my head.)
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Chiron’s Zoom School!
Chiron be at the degree “The gateway to the garden of all desired things.”
Chiron, the first Mentor, a Centaur
(‘gonna take a Centaur Mentor journey,” quips Steve Bhaerman) – started a school for cultural participants…to cultivate their considerable gifts, whereby “to dree their weird.” (“Play their role in destiny.”)
Their tasks were impossible, and they were always successful, after studying with Chiron…
So in Chiron’s myth – to be underestimated is considered a strategic advantage…
As in Gene Hackman in “Enemy of the State”…Tyranny’s strengths are their weakness… Our weakness are our strengths….
They be large and galumphy…
We be small and agile…allied with Liberating Trickster’s spiraling Genius……
To Liberate the entire circumstance…Backwoods
And forwards…
What Participatory Mutual Aid Skills are most Skookum for now?
We Wonder…
So let’s engage in Mutual Aid, that all of our participatory skills be vitalized..
I’m a Costa Rican Astrologer, would love to join the council, was wondering if there are any scholarship-financial aid options available. Third World country income is sometime limiting.
Many Blessings.
Hi Elena, Yes! Replied to your email, let us wheel and deal
I seem to be either having difficulty accessing the page or am so new to y’all I just don’t know what to expect. Should I be seeing some place to see and post comments and/or questions? To engage on the topic?
In other classes/groups I’ve participated in, there’s either been a private Facebook page to interact in or a forum on a website. Not finding that here.
In other classes/groups I’ve participated in, there’s either been a private Facebook page to interact in or a forum on a website. Not finding that here.
What time is the class? I only saw Monday’s but not the time~