Pre-Solstice Astro*Mytho Positive Intrigue


The Positive Intrigue of Now!

Dark o Moon pre-Solstice astro Mytho Council –

Caroline welcomes Eric Meyers, fellow astrological guide,

at this time when humans gather to cooperate with Nature’s Guiding genius…to guide the course of Culture…

first task re-designing  the human cultural interface with Flora Fauna Fungi….

Co-Operators are standing by! at this opportune time: Moon, exalted in Taurus, 27+ degrees, with Vesta. So we are lighting the hearth fire dedicated to Earth Community well-being, exactly sextile Neptune 27+ Pisces: our responsibility, opportunity to dream the desirable world into incarnational actuality…  Culture be increasingly welcoming Eric’s encouraging deep delving investigative Jupiter 27+ Scorpio…

The plot thickens, with Positive Intrigue : “Take the zircon to Foppa – and tell him we move tonight!”  (exhorts Richard Farina)

Eric Meyers, dedicated full time astrologer, author of 7  books (including The Spiritual Dimension of The Beatles, The Astrology of Awakening Vol 1 & 2, Elements & Evolution, and Uranus: The Constant of Change). He has an M.A. in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University and studied with astrologer Steven Forrest.


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“Pre-Solstice Astro*Mytho Positive Intrigue”

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