That we may approach the world with informed reverent curiosity, could be one of Micah’s middle names.
She will invoke the allies: “Amber & Pearl, which help us with that electrical & sympathetic energy of energy of transforming injury & irritation; plus Blue Waterlily & Lotus, which speak to diving deep into the watery dream realm, bringing useful insights out, and having a peaceful perspective on it all.”
and Micah has crafted a page with pertinent links
just for our dedicated crew: al-kemi.com/visionary
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“Perseverance and Hope!”Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…
KPFA in Fund Drive – phone lines are down so online is the way to go!
You can select The Trickster Training Collection under Downloads as a pledge gift – 4 Recordings from Caroline’s weekly Trickster Training Council Series (The Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School) with the theme of Participatory Ritual, Alchemy & Guided Journeys.
In the collection:
· Tele*Coyote 2.15.2021: Micah Nilsson, of Al-kemi, joins Caroline in “Stirring the Cauldron to conjure the Trickster Gods of Accountability!” That she may proffer the Al-Qemi of plant, mushroom allies to support the qualities most necessary for navigating now with aplomb.
· Tele*Coyote 2.08.2021: Hélène Ramos, Bringing in, as she says, “science” with quantum field experiments!!” That we may continue to experiment with desirable Trickster participation in collective well-being. (Impeachment Eve, but pertinent guided journeying always.)
· Mid*Winter Tele*Coyote (2.03.2020) with Micah Nilsson: Candlemas or Imbolc is one of the four cross-quarter holidays (Halloween, Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas), celebrated in antiquity as much as Solstices / Equinoxes. Called the Four Gates of Power, where the Quality / Intelligence of that Season is especially eager to be invited into play. So we are preparing to avail ourselves of the supportive power being proffered to us…
· Imbolc Tele*Coyote (2.04.2019) with Micah Nilsson: New Moon ° True Mid-Winter ° Gate of Power with our great guide true alchemist Micah Nilsson, a living treasure of alchemical plant lore. This New Moon at exact mid-season is available for us to animate: tis when Ishtar, Inanna, Persephone (all the mythic animations of creatively dancing with Nature) lights their candle and begin ascending from the Underworld – and we with her.
(Each recording is 90 minutes and includes a PDF of the Astro*Mytho*Politico themes and Astrological chart for that Council.)
Email us with questions!
Woof woof witchy woo!! Great guest!! Blessings to you Caroline!