Nature, Culture, and the Sacred


Let us be Dance partners in the Choreography of Creation

Offering Ourselves as Accomplices to Nature’s Guiding Genius

Caroline welcomes, convener of Woofy Women (Council of Unreasonable Women), Culture Doctor, co-founder of Bioneers, Constellator of Community-

Nina Simons!

perfectly! as Pluto enters Aquarius. Guides us to remember the origin of life is Community (Bruce Dahmer) & Symbiotic Mutualism are our manners. Now! the Community of all Beings, conjures and implements the bio-mimicry resolutions to all we humans have imposed on  our kin…

Some trickster genius is scheduling us… Nina be our Guest today, as the Moon, exalted in Taurus is exactly where it was when Nina was born — It’s image: “An electrical storm illumines the skies, and forest below… Balancing with Natural Forces.” Woo-hoo!

preview introduction


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“Nature, Culture, and the Sacred”

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Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership (2nd Ed.)

Bioneers co-founder Nina Simons offers inspiration for anyone who aspires to grow into their own unique form of leadership, one replete with resilience and joy. Informed by a plethora of multicultural and Indigenous wisdom keepers who are leading ways towards a regenerative future, this guide takes readers on an inspirational journey that’s both visionary and practical. It speaks to shedding self-limiting beliefs, leading from the heart, and discovering beloved communities as they cultivate their own flourishing and liberation.

“Readers who are well versed in the leadership genre will find this book distinctive for its continual emphasis on community and ways of understanding, while those less familiar with the topic may find it a unique, holistic introduction. A smart, informed guide to developing inclusive leadership skills.” —Kirkus Reviews

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