Metaphoric Divination, Symbolic Language, Guiding Myths

Metaphoric Divination, Symbolic Language, Guiding Myths (to animate & elevate our conversation.)

Caroline welcomes Mary Greer, dedicated to tarot, since she and I first met  in 1971 at the Astrological Lodge/Theosophical Society in London, we were studying Tarot, Astrology. Both of us have been dedicated to & guided by the rich quirkiness of that time.

“Mary K. Greer is a scholar, writer, teacher and professional tarot consultant. With more than fifty years experience in tarot as an author and teacher, she advocates a revolutionary approach to learning and using the cards that emphasizes personal insight and creativity…Mary is the founder of Tools and Rites of Transformation (T.A.R.O.T.) and is a member of many international tarot organizations. She is a featured speaker at tarot conferences and symposia around the world.

The author of nine books on tarot and The Women of the Golden Dawn, Rebels & Priestesses. Mary’s latest book is Who Are You in the Tarot? (RedWheel/Weiser, 2011). Mary is the proud recipient of the 2007 International Tarot Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2006 Mercury Award from the Mary Redman Foundation for “excellence in communication in the metaphysical field.”


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“Metaphoric Divination”

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