Mentor, Guide, Culture Doctor

Caroline welcomes the return of Karen Gedney, author of “30 years behind bars,” 30 years behind bars as prison physician, mentor, guide, all around culture Doctor…shifting prison paradigm to one of healing and re-integration…

“The last time we talked I’ve become more involved in prison reform and aging well. . Now I”m involved with Return Strong (a non-profit put together by a female union organizer for the families of the incarcerated and the incarcerated).  I’m also involved with NPEP, Nevada Prison Education Project (a group trying to get college education into the prison with the Pell grants coming) plus helping Federal Defenders with some death row cases (that’s in mid  February). I’m also getting into the world of aging gracefully and gratefully and giving talks on ‘rewire and refire.’ Last month I spoke at a women’s health retreat in Costa Rica, for my 77yr old friend Maria who is a bikini competitor, a personal  trainer and now an event planner.
I have to say it’s interesting working with women who are interested in helping society improve, get healthier  and become safer. “


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“Mentor, Guide, Culture Doctor”

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