Majnoun A Trickster’s Guide to Necessary Miracles!


Backstage Bioneers 2023 at Freight and Salvage: Caroline, Amikaeyla Gaston, and Briana Di Mara (photo by World Trust)

Caroline Casey, with musical accomplices, Amikaeyla Gaston & Briana Di Mara, proffering our Bioneers evening (recorded 4.7.23) at Freight and Salvage: Majnoun A Trickster’s Guide to Necessary Miracles!

Opening Portals of Participation

For Community Sacraments of Reciprocal Blessing, Mutual Aid, Symbiotic Mutualism,

To hum our Endogenous Indigenuity, to animate aardvarks of blessing… and set all of our collaborative skills humming.

Confluencing of Allies!

The more words, myths, metaphors – the more ways to cahoot with our Flora Fauna Fungi Kin. Democratic Animism Now! Language crafting – that our words stories be in accord with our dedicated hearts! Drawing on the power of majnoun (“yearning for the Divine” ) – let’s dissolve cruelty and dominance out of humanity’s repertoire.

“Who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another? We at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest.” Peter Kropotkin


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“Majnoun A Trickster’s Guide to Necessary Miracles!”

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