Dark of Moon Sacred Rok

image of Ron KaukAt this Dark of the Moon, Caroline welcomes back denizen of Yosemite, Master Rock Climber and Nature Mentor, Ron Kauk,
that “through Imagination Lost Opportunities may be Regained.” Ron is the author of “Spirit of the Rok,” “Letters from Sacred Rok,” and “Voices from the Inside out,” about his work with bringing incarcerated youth to Yosemite. We are all invited to put big dreams on our community radio altar of Desirable Mystery… The dream of connecting #Parklandyouth, and all youth suffering from the cruel insanity of the modern world to Ron, that he may guide them to what we all need to re-envision education based on Nature’s Laws. Cosmic Law & Order, that we all recover our Native DNA lineage, to humbly co-operate with Nature’s guiding Genius (aka Trickster).


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“Dark of Moon Sacred Rok”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…


Today’s Chart & Themes include:

*’Tis Dark of Moon (lowest ebb tide of introspection) before the New Moon on April 15th 9:57 pm edt,(26+ Aries), whose image is “Through Imagination -Lost Opportunities are Regained.”

*We are honoring Communities, that we be not merely Hinayana (personal salvation), but Mahayana (collective Liberation,)
that we toss into  the composting Cauldron all past “failures,” “shamings, “oopses”, small and large, personal and collective,
and ladle out the against all odds desirable opportunities…

*Self-Forgiveness for all befoiblements is currently available for psychic down-load, should we petition for such  in our journals… I love to re-defining “forgive” as to mean, “to give energy for change.”

(just snippets of today’s post)

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