Calling all those Willing to be agents of Citizen Trickster


Caroline hosts herself, and Amikaeyla
via part of their Friday the 13th presentation at Bioneers

Presented Friday the 13th of May at 9pm
at the Palace of Fine Arts, Marin Conference Center, Bioneers Conference

Calling all those Willing to be agents of Citizen Trickster
Wonder, & Revelation in Call & Response – Partnering with Flora Fauna
to ladle altruistic ingenuity from the cauldron of horrific cruelty. Animism – not a belief – just good manners! This Friday the 13th let’s declare inquisition over!(war on life seemingly relentless, yet ) Safety lies in everyone coming out – as initiated animistic science wizards, pragmatic mystics. Ally ally in come free – all that’s been falsely estranged, as a mean trick of the Reality Police, dancing back into spicy accord. Everything a dance partner. Including the virus. We gather to avail ourselves of all of our skills, expanding our repertoire of responses so as to be in cahoots with Nature’s evolutionary trickster Genius. Astro*Mythology guiding meta*narrative and the music to call in what we need to make our dedications manifest.


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“Calling all those Willing to be agents of Citizen Trickster”

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