Honoring Stephen Buhner

Honoring Stephen Buhner, practicing botanical animist, polymath, who went back-stage, December 8th, and re-guesting Stephen’s herbal bardic colleague, Sean Padraic O’Donoghue that we may embrace the assignment Stephen be handing to us…playing excerpts from 2 shows with Stephen (included in our premium audio collection...) and touting his … [Read more...]

Election Metaphoric Response & Ritual

Caroline re-hosts Sean Padraig O’Donoghue, herbalist, Bard, wizard, writer part of our Rapid Metaphoric Response Team…as we be Diving into the Dark, yet "in the mood for a good mood;” with our cauldron into which we toss poisonous cruelty, that it be dissolved from the human repertoire, and from which we ladle liberating blessing... This … [Read more...]

Re-Storying Equilibrium at Equinox by re-wedding the Land

Caroline re-welcomes up-coming election magic council co-cahooter Patricia Ewing, bringing liberating political diagnostic strategy, and Sean Padraig O’Donoghue, contributing Bardic Equinox guiding for deliberate democracy…. Equal Night & Day, Equal Mars and Venus, Equal humans and rest of our kin! “Nae King, nae Quin, we willna be … [Read more...]

Courting the Wild Queen

Full Moon Radio Magic! Caroline welcomes the return of Sean Padraig O'Donoghue, poet-bard-herbalist whose latest book be Courting the Wild Queen: “Our ancestors are speaking to us through the fever dream, reminding us that there are other ways to live." https://otherworldwell.com     Listen & Download "Courting the Wild … [Read more...]

True Beltane

Dispelling the Inquisition via the truth of animism supplanting hubris of humans. Tis True Beltane, the time most sacred for womb autonomy…Caroline welcomes Celtic Herbal Bard, Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue, that we may honor, animate and make available the collaborative magic, to dispel the Inquisition…to liberate May 9th, with festoons of flowers … [Read more...]