Mushroom Medicine Mojo for – honoring the Eleusinian Mysteries

On this Waxing Moon of ancient guiding knowledge brought to light, Caroline hosts Robert Forte, editor of the 1st paperback edition of "The Road To Eleusis," by R. Gordon Wasson! Albert Hofmann! and Carl Ruck! We invoke the necessary sacraments of Ceres-Demeter and Persephone, so needed now at this time of Dire Beauty, that Persephone may be … [Read more...]

Intelligence of Empathic Altruism

  Caroline hosting psychedelic scholar, editor of "Entheogens & the Future of Religion", mmda researcher at U of Chicago, Robert Forte, that we may honor Sasha Shulgin, as Neptune, Intelligence of Empathic Altruism and entheogenic-mythological literacy stations.   Listen to The Visionary Activist "Just heard last Thursday's … [Read more...]