Nature, Culture, and the Sacred

  Let us be Dance partners in the Choreography of Creation Offering Ourselves as Accomplices to Nature’s Guiding Genius Caroline welcomes, convener of Woofy Women (Council of Unreasonable Women), Culture Doctor, co-founder of Bioneers, Constellator of Community- Nina Simons! perfectly! as Pluto enters Aquarius. Guides us to … [Read more...]

Nature’s Ingenuity Be our Prayer

Human Ingenuity willing to be guided by Nature's Ingenuity Be our Prayer. Caroline hosts Nina Simons and Kenny Ausubel, founders of Bioneers (25th anniversary) a Council of Ingenious Solutions at this Kairos moment in time. Fund Drive- offering passes to Bioneers, tickets to Carolingian Talk, Carolingian Birthday Party 10.14 in … [Read more...]