Convening the Winter Solstice/Eclipse Death Lodge

Convening the Winter Solstice/Eclipse Death Lodge

Caroline hosts Robinette Kennedy, denizen of Rural Georgia, & Crete,
disguised as psychologist, scholar/practitioner/guide of myriad forms of journeying between worlds, ardent participatory Georgia Citizen. Robinette is a “shamanistic practitioner and clinical anthropologist working at the intersection of consciousness and culture. Her Ph.D. fieldwork was in a tiny mountain community on the island of Crete. Later research on Crete led her to the discovery of a prehistoric shamanic practice that she teaches in workshops in the USA and Greece.”

Trance Postures, Death Lodges, the magnificence of Stacey Abrams, Jon Ossof, Raphael Warnock and Daniel Blackman, Georgia Run-Off – to safe Inauguration Day…

The degree rising at the moment of Inauguration…

and tis Robinette’s North Node of Moon (life dedicated focus)

“A stranger walks into town in the midst of a wild windstorm, wearing a silk top hat, and carrying a large black bag…doctor magician; controller of hidden natural forces… maintaining a strong instinctual connection to Nature, and its forces, despite all external sophistication; divination.”


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“Convening the Winter Solstice/Eclipse Death Lodge”

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