Magic Word Women – Fund Drive


Caroline re-plays her interview with Elizabeth Gilbert (offering her book, “The Signature of All Things,” for pledging.)

The 2nd half Caroline honors great ally Margot Adler, (whose radio journey began at KPFA) who died on July 28th, re-playing some of our spirited conversing around her book, “Vampires Are Us” (also available for pledging.) 1- 800- 439-5732

Visionary Activist Show – 7-31-2014



  1. All love and light around Margot . . . what a loss to the world of radio and truth telling. May her spirit live forever in the hearts of all good humans. Meredith

  2. I found this show to be particularly inspiring for me. When you first aired the interview I saw that you had proclaimed “The Signature of All Things” as fantabulous, so next time I was in a bookstore I picked up a copy. I had been reading it as I was creating images of the flowers in my garden for an art show I had committed to a couple of months prior. The synchronicity of having this book to encourage me through this process was fantabulous in itself. Then as I listened to you re-air the interview, I was deep into framing all this work, and wondering why I was doing it when Elizabeth Gilbert said “We are here to make things, not to make drama around making things.” Wow. Did I need to hear that!!

    And I can’t begin to find words to tell you how much I was moved by the second half of this show.

    Thank you for how skillfully and playfully you bring forward these wonderful women’s voices! It brings me joy to hear how much they both enjoyed speaking with you.

Query or Blessing:
