Honoring Dec 21 2012

Caroline hosts astro-colleague, phd paleo-climatology, and Aztec and Mayan astrological scholar Bruce Scofield (www.onereed.com) along with Michael DiMartino, founder & producer of Synthesis 2012 has been leading groups through the Yucatan for 18 years; sharing the wisdom of the temples & pyramids, as well as the experience of the Kukalkan the return of the serpent, which is viewable from the naked eye, during the solstice sunset at the pyramid. Michael’s wisdom and insights about the Mayan’s and the Mayan calendar is a powerful bridge to the more mainstream elements of information. As many worlds bridge and unify at this time, it’s important to be aware of the different philosophies, prophesies and ways of thinking that other cultures live by.




  1. Dear Caroline, I listened to Honoring December 21, 2012 this morning. I was particularly interested in the comments made by Bruce Scofield about Darwin not being necessarily about survival of the fittest, and that there was emerging evidence that evolution is actually about cooperativity. I recently published a book on this subject, entitled Evolutionary Biology, Cell-Cell Communication and Complex Disease (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). In it i demonstrate that multicellular organisms have evolved from unicellular organisms through ‘metabolic cooperativity’. Regarding the influences of the physical environment on biologic systems that was discussed by Michael DiMartino, those influences are so ancient that we don’t recognize them as such, but they are imbedded in our physiology, as I and others have shown experimentally. Those traits are precognitive, so I think that it is very likely that the kinds of Astrological phenomena that you and your audience are interested in are the result of such interactions between our ancestors and our environment. By the way, Darwin was in my opinion very aware of such relationships, as reflected in his extensive descriptions of the topography around the Gallapegos Islands, but he didn’t have the scientific basis to make such claims directly. As an other corollary to that, Lamarck is coming back into vogue with the recognition that there are direct environmental effects on genetic inheritance. It’s called epigenetics, in which the DNA readout is modified, as we have recently shown (Rehan VK, Liu J, Naeem E, Tian J, Sakurai R, Kwong K, Akbari O, Torday JS.Perinatal nicotine exposure induces asthma in second generation offspring. BMC Med. 2012 Oct 30;10(1):129.). I think we will eventually see the functional connections between the physical and biologic domains that underpin Astrology. The sooner the better in my opinion. jt

  2. Bruce mentioned lighting candles on that day? Do you know of a page with this info? I loved the call! My friend mentioned how amazing you are Caroline. Thank you!
    Gy we oh

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