The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications


The Moon Walks the Earth – Solstice Dedications –

Caroline co-riffs with Jerome McGeorge, fellow anarcho*astro*animist, co-founder Organic Valley to and fro, with segments, honoring the Solstice, from our first show, and our last night conversing around the Mid-Summer Night entheo bonfire…

…..including message from the Kogi, of Colombia, for us now!

with whom Jerome spent much time, and was their guide on their first trip to America… October 20th – Nov 5th, 1999, sponsored by Organic Valley, investigative mission of discovery; bringing messages of wisdom, warning, and mutual aid…

Am anchoring Jerome, pulling on his wizard ankles, to keep him in this world…. Tis time for him to receive supportive blessing from the multiverses to which he has contributed so much immeasurable good…and a treasure trove of applied erudition…. wins a best Aries Award! Imbued with the Medicine of seeing deeply, with a kind heart…..

Agent of Green Man, Jerome McGeorge is an ally of richly cultivated, playful erudition, longtime organic*bioregional farmer, founding member of Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool (CROPP), the cooperative that is “Organic Valley” …2000 farms!


Moon walks the Earth:

The Full Moon rises at extreme Southern point of horizon, will travel low to the ground…happens once every 18.6 years…..


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“The Moon Walks the Earth Solstice Dedications”

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Query or Blessing:
