Dreaming The World Into Being

20 Jun 2016

Open Secret
923 C Street
San Rafael, CA

Caroline’s astro*politico*mytho magnetizing animation

of the Guiding Meta-Story of Now!


Summer Solstice Full Moon

Dreaming The World Into Being – Full on Magic Time!


with Yemaya Inaugurating Flora-Fauna


calling in Big Momma –

guiding us to be guides through the wild ride of now…


with long-time ally Amikaeyla Gaston, calling in the Orishas of Woof

(let’s cahoot with the Guiding Intelligence of Nature – so much smarter, bigger and wiser than us…)

Monday, June 20th at 7 pm

$20 Advance, $30 Door

Open Secret Bookstore 
923 C Street, San Rafael CA 94901

reservations recommended



  1. Sara Nichols says

    I wish to purchase this talk. Is there a way to subscribe to a podcast or something where I always get Caroline’s talks? I want them always. Would be willing to pay real money.

    • Standupcoyote says

      Aha! Yes, we shall work on such. Helas, the audio recording was Kerfuffles. But we gave hopes for the video. Won’t know till videographer returns from Narnia.

Query or Blessing:
