Democratic Animism Now! calling in a New Tide of Cultural Energy

22 Jun 2014

The Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Pl NW
Washington, DC

Summer Solstice Setting Sail for Synchronous Serendip:

Isis, Isis- Ra! Ra! Ra!

Recording Available Now:
[add_to_cart item=”DL2014SS”]

‘Tis curious that the acronym ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)
be now everywhere in the news.

All news be Mythic News.

Home-town action

Summer Solstice astro*mytho*politico*talk*ritual*

Caroline Casey LILT-Keith-Carr-Tina-Eck-copyright-Michael-G.-Stewart068
with fantabulous Irish Musicians: Lilt

Democratic Animism Now! calling in a New Tide of Cultural Energy

that we may be agents of cool response in a hot reactive world, effective voices for what we love, willing collaborators with the guiding genius of Nature, and encouraging all to do like-wise…


“Deliberate celebration of the change of seasons stirs the creative powers of the psyche.” (Nor Hall)


  1. just discovering you… refreshingly profound.
    does one just show up for the D.C. event? tickets? cost?
    thank you!

Query or Blessing:
