Virtual Winter Solstice Strategy Cahooting for 2014

23 Dec 2013

Monday December 23rd ~ Virtual

Winter Solstice Strategy Cahooting for 2014

Trickster Training Tele*Coyote Cahooting Council 6 pm PT, 9 pm ET opens it’s doors to all for Virtual telepathic all of the above  via phone. web, Skype.

December 23rd is Cat’s Christmas, so we especially dedicate to the animals, and the birth of the Trickster redeemer in myriad animal forms, that we mend our treaties and enter into evolutionary alliance with our flora-fauna kin, at this time of Dire Beauty, where everything needs to experimentally collaborate to survive. Let Spicy Compassion, invited as an animal ally be our wise traveling compassion, as we set forth into 2014.



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