Caroline hosts long-time ally, Deborah Felmeth, guide to the beauty of Syria, that we may animate the desirable story and cultivate necessary qualities of compassionate complexity and deep-delving wonder. Underneath the hot reactive conflagration, are the cool responsive waters of life, available for us to pour forth on hyper-yang death frenzy. Where there be too much Mars, let us invite Venus. Enough of weapons, and the immature violence that distracts us from our common global task of healing our relationship to the Earth.
Syria and the Sky-Earth Story of Now
May 30, 2013 2 Comments
Just a blessing to you and Deborah. I shared this link with my very Christian cousin who practices in the devout, compassionate way it was intended. I think she and her “Religious Left” friends will really appreciate this show and hear the beauty. She is not even slightly anti-Muslim, nor is she at all ignorant about these matters. Yet this is a gift showing the poetry that she can share that will be real for her friends who might not know that the “scary people” described to them in the Middle East by the American media are no more the heart of Islam than Fox News is the heart of Christianity. the now, of smelling the orange blossoms.