Swimming in the Sacred


The Planet and the Plants can save us – if we learn to humbly cooperate…

Waxing Buddha’s Full Moon, Pluto stationing, Mercury retro inviting us back to the garden…
of entheo supportive guiding: Caroline re-hosts Rachel Harris, author of “Listening to Ayahuasca,” whose latest cultural contribution be “Swimming in the Sacred- Women from the Psychedelic Underground” lest we tame entheogens by re-packaging as “therapy.”

“There is wisdom that is in danger of being lost as our legal and medical institutions embrace these extraordinary Medicines.”

Haitian proverb : “When the anthropologist arrives – the gods depart.”

Psychologist Rachel Harris, PhD, was in private practice for thirty-five years working with people interested in psychospiritual development. During a decade working in research, Rachel received a National Institutes of Health New Investigator’s Award and published more than forty scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals.


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“Swimming in the Sacred”

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