Radio Medicine for the Wild Ride of Now

As recognition of the unfurling enormity of spookiness be upon us, how shall we metaphorically cooperate, what shall we ladle out of this cauldron of collapse?

Caroline welcomes long time co-cahooter, Radio Medicine Woman Karyn Sanders, Host of The Herbal Highway on KPFA, that Sane Reverence assume Cultural Narrative Lead…

Karyn Sanders has been practicing and teaching energetic herbal medicine for 42 years. She co-teaches and co-owns the Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine with Sarah Holmes, who also co-hosts The Herbal Highway. Karyn also teaches at various conferences and schools around the country. Listen live at 1pm pacific time on Tuesdays:


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“Radio Medicine for the Wild Ride of Now”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…



  1. Michael Keenan says

    A good cultural example is the Bushmen Kalahari laugh and make jokes at members that try and hierarchy. Their survival in their environment depends on historically maintained “individual” equality. See

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