Michael Stuart Ani in the Cloud forest of the Sierra Mazateca (2016)
“Indigenous People are on the front lines of planetary protection…” says Caroline’s radio guest this week, Michael Stuart Ani
Michael writes: “hi Caroline Coyote, I’ve never been part of an action that spun around so quickly and am so curious. It has made me more aware of the possible magic coyote power in the media that you speak of. ”
(Message from Michael Stuart Ani continued below tune-in information, open full post to read.)
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Dear Friends, how about some really good news for a change!
Less than two weeks ago we sent out some disturbing information about the missionary group New Tribes Mission (Ethnos360), receiving permission from Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil to fly their new helicopter into the Javari valley in the middle of the pandemic. Ethnos360’s agenda is to fulfill their Prophecy of 2,000 Tribes by evangelizing the tribes of the region using the Corvid-19 pandemic to obtain their goals. Last week, in a landmark decision filed by UNIVAJA, the Javari regional legal aid organization, a Brazilian judge ruled that it was illegal for missionaries to enter the Javari Valley where there are more uncontacted tribes than anywhere else on earth.
The judge directly opposed the overt genocidal plan of president Bolsonaro by adding that he would order military troops to protect the borders of the Javari from further encroachment by missionaries. The judge also mentioned that he had learned about the Javari through all the information that had been flooding the internet. With my friends at Survival International and others we bombarded social media with information about this great injustice and it just might have helped. A cultural and eco-genocide of major importance to the survival of us all was avoided.
That said, never in my experience has a circumstance and struggle of such great importance turned around for the better so quickly. Because of this I am happily calling off the May 7th action to further bombard social media. This is exceptionally good news, so let’s celebrate, but not do a victory dance just yet. I know Ethnos360 well and they are not about to give up.
Blessing to you all,
Michael Stuart Ani
Query or Blessing: