Navigating the Underworld Ghost River with Jaunty Aplomb Radio

Caroline hosts long time co-quipping ally, Steve Bhaerman aka Swami Beyondananda, that we may be un-snooker-able, un-bamboozled, un-hood-winked, thus skilled at spiraling out of polarity (“please don’t feed the dementors”) to magnetize, animate and spiral forth the irresistible welcoming story of dynamic sane reverence on this day of missed deadline for re-uniting children kidnapped by ogres, with their kin; Co-Operators are standing by!

Waxing red lunar eclipse, with Mars at its reddest for bonus points, as Mercury stations – during KPFA’s Fun drive* on the birthday of Carl Jung, George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, Robert Graves, Stanley Kubrick, Mick Jagger.Moon’s metaphor: “Council of ancestors (and near ancestors) – young leaders listen to their voices.”


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“Navigating…with Jaunty Aplomb”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…


*Fun(d)Drive – we are offering two cotton tote bags for donations during the show to KPFA – check them out here.

Query or Blessing:
