Honoring Halloween & Pluto

Caroline welcomes Sara Wolcott and Kristine Hill for Honoring Halloween.

America’s spooky Pluto return, retrieving “The cosmo-vision that America’s founding fathers either never understood or purposefully ignored…We are descendants of the men who sat together; the founding fathers of the United States and the members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. (and Caroline, descendant of Thomas Dudley, 2nd Governor of Mass, who kicked Roger Williams out, ’cause he wanted to cooperate with Native Americans.)

Essential stories/myths about living within the Haudenosaunee cosmovision and the Kayanerenko:wa, the Great Law of Peace.

Sara Jolena Wolcott, M.Div, is a descendent of some of Founding Fathers of the United States of America. She co-conspires with the Divine Mistress of Time to conjure better origin stories, ecological family histories, and mythologies for our interconnected beings. A distinctly witchy minister, she is reMembering and reEnchanting the world through creating healing rituals and rituals for healing, helping wizards integrate their own learning journeys, and serving as a spiritual midwife for regenerative soil-and-soul-ful leaders and communities. Oh, and she loves speaking (a form of spell casting). Officially, directs the ecospiritual learning community Sequoia Samanvaya, serves as a Legacy Advisor for Innovation 4.4, and paints dragons.


Kristine Marie Hill is a member of the Beaver Clan, Tuscarora nation, Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Like the Beavers for whom her clan is named, she is an eager agent of resourcefulness, persistence, and a willingness to topple trees for glorious architecture that benefits and fire-proofs the hood; primarily through her work as an indigenous peacemaker and restorative justice practitioner in the long tradition of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Towards that end she founded Collective Wisdoms, and works with peacekeeping collectives such as the Ahimsa Collective and Honeycomb Justice Collective. She is the proud and often amused mother of four brilliant children (aged 26-32). A member of the Tuscarora nation, also known as the “People of the Hemp”, she actively supports others in working with plant medicines and is a collaborator and a mentor to many who seek to address the first harms of colonization.



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“Honoring Halloween & Pluto”

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