Healing the Land, Envisioning Autonomy



Healing the Land! By Holding Myriad stories simultaneously!

astro*mytho enthusiasm for Democracy…the much good magic of the Democratic Convention

With the sine qua non: from the Cauldron of cruel carnage, we conjure Palestinian safe supported autonomy…full global support (and enforcement)….

Caroline welcomes the return of Jerome McGeorge, fellow anarcho*astro*animist*enviro-farmer-wizard, co-founder of Organic Valley; Honoring Indigenous Prophecy -teased into guiding pertinence for us now…

Jerome, a long-time ally of the Kogi in Columbia- with whom he spent much time, was chosen by them to be their guide on their first trip to America… October 20th – Nov 5th, 1999, sponsored by Organic Valley, an investigative mission of discovery; bringing messages of wisdom, warning, and mutual aid…


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“Healing the Land, Envisioning Autonomy”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…



Message to Rep Ruwa:
Will spiral forth #LetRuwaSpeak to my radio audience Visionary Activist Show today 5 pm edt #KPFA
Envisioning….not expecting…but Willing!…(expectation = partner of disappointment, but Willingness is the dance partner of life…) May the path unfurl for your worthy wise self….to present on stage tonight…

Rep. Ruwa Romman @Ruwa4GeorgiaI want to cut through the noise and remind everyone that those who attend conventions are the strongest supporters of our party. The majority of attendees have been wearing ceasefire pins, keffiyehs, and/or Palestinian flags. It’s been beautiful and I need folks to remember that.

Rep. Ruwa Romman @Ruwa4GeorgiaMy speech urged us to unite behind Harris, criticized Trump, and spoke about the promise of this moment. The only reason we’re doing this is to save the soul of our party and prevent bad actors from using our pain in an ongoing voter suppression campaign.

Maxwell Alejandro Frost @MaxwellFrostFL
Rep. Ruwa is a Democratic leader who has been working to keep Georgia blue and elect VP Harris. She would be a unifying speaker for peace. @Ruwa4Georgia


Query or Blessing:
