Guardians of Collective Well-Being


Carolyn Raffensperger at TEDxMaui

Let us be guardians of collective well-being & protectors of protectors.

Dark O Moon-Eclipse in Big Mama’s sign of Cancer*Radio:

Caroline welcomes Carolyn Raffensperger, among the very best effective advocates for Big Mama, composting the #waronlife into nutrient for Public Trust Doctrine (government as protector of common wealth); an environmental lawyer and the executive director of the Science & Environmental Health Network; as well as being a leading expert on the Precautionary Principle (Sane Reverent Common Sense).

Science and Environmental Health Network:
Visionary Science, Ethics, Law and Action in the Public Interest

Listen & Download     *apologies for slightly scratchy phone connection* 
“Guardians of Collective Well-Being”

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  1. Thor’s hammer..If I had a hammer..I’d hammer out justice (or make shoes, or hammer metal into pots and pans…)
    We could ladle this out.

Query or Blessing:
