Grieving Rituals, Globally


grieving rituals, globally, across all borders… for all in grief, including the Earth herself….

Tyranny seeks to destroy Community, creates the toxic mimic, which be a cult….

So we animate Community arising from the Earth, across all borders….

Caroline proffers dedicated voices, including Rabbi Irwin Keller

and (next week’s guest) Shambhavi Sarasvati


Rabbi Irwin Keller:

Article by Shambhavi Sarasvati: “Mourning the Victims of the Cult of Israel Landback. Judaismback.”  on Substack


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“Grieving Rituals, Globally”

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  1. From a listener (via email):

    Thanks for your remarkable Nov 30th show.
    on Grieving Rituals.
    It was a wonderful combination of passion
    and knowledge.
    Many valuable accesses to definitions,
    explorations and paths to understanding
    and processing grief.
    You opened many channels of awareness
    and shared them with us.
    Most of your shows contain arcane and
    esoteric information but you are able to
    translate it so it is understandable.
    Your Nov 30 show was a cornucopia of
    that which makes your shows so valuable.
    Thank you for sharing so effectively.

Query or Blessing:
