Flowers are better than bullets

As Kent State be humming with crucial pertinence, for us all now, we welcome Laurel Krause, the sister of Allison Krause, who was murdered that day. For the last 20 years Laurel Krause has made her home at the Allison Center for Peace on the Mendocino coast of Northern California. Her sister Allison was one of the ‘Four Dead in Ohio,’ killed as she protested the Vietnam War in the May 4, 1970 Kent State Massacre. On the 40th anniversary, Laurel co-founded the Kent State Truth Tribunal at On Substack, read Laurel’s Peace on the Mendocino Coast and check out her blog MendoCoastCurrent.

Image: “Soul Sisters” by artist Roger Ballas, Read about Allison’s message in the painting:


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