We Heal and Avert Disaster by Considering Beauty. Lily Yeh, is among my favorite humans, and most inspiring radio guests, and I will once again host her on The Visionary Activist Show this 2 pm PT/5 pm ET, that Beauty be honored as the sine qua non of culture. ‘Tis art that weaves relationship into structure, that allows everything replenishing to then fill the community. Lily works with the broken parts of all of us to heal communities through art in Philadelphia, Haiti, Rwanda, China, Ecuador, Kenya, Syria, Italy, and is just now journeying to Palestine, that we all may be agents of the world blooming again at this time of Dire Beauty.”Looks like a prison – must be a school.” (great late ally Zen Master Wu Bong)…Lily inspires us all to be the antidote.
Dedicated Acts of Beauty Trump Tyranny and Restore Intimacy to the World
April 10, 2014 2 Comments
Thank you manyfold for introducing me to this lovely woman’s life and work. I couldn’t listen to the entire program this afternoon, but will check out her book if I can find it.
Yes, Lily is completely inspiring. She will be giving a presentation at the Corcoran Museum in Washington DC…also soon soon, she and I will be participating in the on-line tele*conference Inspiring Women…If you are on the mailing list (easy sign up on home page) – then you will be guide to these events imminently.