Caroline welcomes Chris Hardman. At this Virgen de Guadelupe Santa Lucia Impeachment British Election Day, Chris will be our calendrical Time Guide. Chris is creator of the ecological calendar, and founder of Bay Area Antenna theatre:
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dVmPSupport The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…
KPFA Fund Drive Show
·· ECOlogical Wall Calendars: Four 12×36 in. (91.4×30.5 cm.) full color panels – one for each season.
Six page information booklet explaining how the calendar works and its history
Tracks the tides, Sun, Moon, planets, and stars throughout the year, while offering scientific insight on natural history, ecology, and astronomy – all illustrated with Chris Hardman’s inspired (and inspiring!) artwork.
·· ECOlogical Engagement Calendars: The Engagement Calendar Version is 7×9 inches, ring bound for ease of page turning with individual pages showing a weekly format.
·· The Visionary Activist Show 2019 Collection: Four fabulous radio shows from 2019 handpicked by Caroline and two never-before-aired Trickster Council conversations, featuring Dr. Dana Ullman on homeopathy and an Imbolc celebration with Micah Nilsson discussing alchemy, herbalism and the Earth.
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