Conjuring a Culture of Reciprocal Blessing

Alex HozvenCaroline hosts Alex Hozven of The Cultured Pickle Shop,
that we may relish life sufficiently to resolve the pickle in which we find ourselves…
Let us avail ourselves of Bacteriological Intelligence, getting as much information into our gut as possible.
Diversity in our micro system encourages creative fluorishing in the macro…
May it be So!

Alex Hozven and her team at Cultured turn out some of the best fermented vegetables anywhere. In addition to producing classic sauerkrauts and kimchis, they are intrepid experimentalists, exploring different traditions of vegetable fermentation, and making use of the great variety of fresh vegetables available in the Bay Area. —Sandor Katz, Author of Wild Fermentation

Visionary Activist Show – 03-26-2015

Query or Blessing:
