Bee-ing the Balm!

Penny LivingstonAll war – a failure of Imagination. All Peace – a triumph of the Imagination. “All Power to the Imagination,” was the cris de coeur of Paris ’68. The sacred work  to be the anti-dote balm, to the bomb of dangerous platitudes of the over-lords.. (stocks on weaponry soaring.) to not let the narrative be kid-napped, by the dementors of doom, but for Venus to assume cultural narrative lead. At this dangerous time, we turn to those (parts of ourselves) sewing peace. The answer to uninitiated Mars is Strong Venus. Beauty and destruction – neck and neck. Betting on Beauty, with our great guest, Penny Livingston-Stark.

Visionary Activist Show – 11-19-2015

Penny Livingston-Stark is internationally recognized as a prominent permaculture teacher and designer. She is the Co-founder of the Regenerative Design Institute. She specializes in education toward developing skills in creating resource rich landscapes, co-housing design, site planning, as well as edible landscaping, productive perennial farm systems, rainwater collection, pond design, natural building, water purification systems, habitat development and watershed restoration. She co-created the ecological design program and curriculum at the San Francisco Institute of Architecture as well as the Permaculture program at the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center. She co-manages the Commonweal Garden, a diverse permaculture organic farm in Bolinas California with her husband James Stark. She has been invited to teach, speak and share her vision of community resiliency and regenerative design all over the world.


  1. I recall being in the mountains of Guatemala years ago and thinking it was a really bad idea that the government was encouraging the local farmers to rip up their corn and bean crops and plant broccoli instead. The idea was that they could sell the crops and make more money, but before they had been able to feed themselves. Earlier I had marveled at how the corn and beans were not only mutualistic (the beans grew up the cornstalks as a trellis and provided nitrogen to the corn) but only together do they form a complete protein. (This stills seems like magic to me.) And walking through the fields of corn and beans I could see lots of variation from farm to farm, whereas the broccoli was all the same. I feared that one bad growing season and the entire village would be broke and hungry.

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