Astro*Mytho Magi


Magi- arriving!

Here to re-animate January 6th, Epiphany, when the Magi arrive, to honor the passing year, and look to the collaborative cahooting available in 2022, Caroline welcomes
2 favorite astro*mytho co-cahooters, Jerome McGeorge, and Heather Roan Robbins.

Astro*mytho Wizard Ally Jerome McGeorge, Agent of Green Man: longtime organic*bioregional farmer, founding member of Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool (CROPP), the cooperative that is “Organic Valley” …2000 farms!

Heather Roan Robbins has practiced as a ceremonialist, counselor, and astrologer for 40 years with a commitment to making real and quality astrology accessible to the public. Heather is the creator of the Starcodes Astro-Oracle Deck and is the author of Moon Wisdom, Everyday Palmistry, and several children’s books. She has penned her weekly Starcodes column for the past 30 years and co-hosts the weekly podcast Access Astrology.


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“Astro*Mytho Magi”

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