Laura and Dr. Bob inside the head of Lady Liberty
Caroline, returned from Egypt, welcomes the return of her new ancient allies, Laura Cortner and Dr. Bob Hieronomous –
that we may play Liberty goddess, obelisk, odalisque, Egypt, (real) Isis, Washington DC – imminent climate march….
The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World (by Dr. Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner), available at: secretlifeofladyliberty.com
amazon.com & barnesandnoble.com
Show Notes:
Climate March this Saturday, April 29th – peoplesclimatemarch.org
David Ovason‘s Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital
Hi Caroline,
A very inspiring clip, (yes) found on solari blog, which I thought you would appreciate.
50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything (from National Geographic)
What one man did when he sold his company – find the most degraded land in the country, and restore it.
There are more clips showing his big heart and many accomplishments. Hearts, Addi
Awakening Part 1 – YouTube